Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2235: They are not used to it.

Chapter 2235, they are not used to it.

The weather is still very cold. Mu far is too thin to wear. I can't stand the cold wind. I don't know how long it has stood in the cold wind. People are a bit stiff. He knows that Jack has been in the hospital.

He and Wesley's division of labor, Wesley took the person responsible for arresting, grabbed a live, Jack was responsible for the rescue, has been in the hospital, Mu Yuan is waiting outside.

Jack walked over, as if he didn't see him. He was on the phone with Wesley, and Wesley said, "If people have already caught it, they will wait for you to come back."

"Know it." Jack's eyes glazed at Mu Yuan's eyes. "You are going to interrogate."

"it is good!"

Jack hung up the phone and went straight to the car. Mu Yuan closed his eyes slightly. Jack regarded him as if he had nothing. He wanted to come and didn't want to pay attention to him. Mu Yuan didn't know why he must stand here and wait. Today, he watched. If neither the sniper killed the enemy, Wesley and Jack were gone.

He remembered it for a while and then he was afraid.

Wesley caught a bite, and the trial must have nothing to do. He just wanted to say something to Jack. It didn't matter to them, although it seemed that they did.

The opposite person and his team are seamlessly connected.

Jack... I don't want to see him.

Even, looking at him more often feels redundant.

He can only stand on the side of the road and watch Jack drive away.

A cold wind blew, Mu Yuan felt a little cold, and Jack looked at him from the rearview mirror and did not move. He clenched the steering wheel with annoyance and stepped on the brakes.

He was silent for a moment, and his mind constantly flashed a picture that he had just seen Mu Yuan.

For a moment, he felt his heartbeat stopped.

He waited for a while, seeing that Mu Yuan hadn’t left yet, and he was not sulking. He came back and forth here today. He also participated in several joint meetings. Some people recognized him, and he never came. it is good.

Yes, it is like that.

He reversed, stepped back on the gas pedal and went back to the park. He stopped at the door of the door and opened the door. He walked over to him and held his wrist in one hand. He almost dragged him to the car and stuffed it into the car. .

He changed gears again, and neither of them spoke. They were very boring along the way. Only the news station on the car kept playing today's news. Today's news is overwhelming, all kinds of doubts and criticisms, questioning domestic law and order, management and counter-terrorism capabilities, slamming Various sounds from abroad, etc., can hear people’s ears grow up, but at this moment, he has no intention to listen to the news.

I heard only my own heartbeat.

He did not dare to turn off the news, turned several stations, and finally had a stage to put music.

If there is no sound at all, I don't know who will be exposed.

He and Mu Yuan have been around for a long time, not so close. He was sitting next to his co-driver's seat, and even if he didn't say anything, it seemed to be back to their sweetest time.

When Xiaoyuan sat next to him, he was still very reserved in the early days of love. He only used his side to hit him. He could see through his mind at a glance. During his love, he completely released himself and never walked. Beside him, don’t come over and kiss, just come over and hug, and it will make him want to burn, and he is very innocent. He just broke his legs and the waves are lawless.

Now, sitting on his side, he is...

They are not used to it.

(End of this chapter)

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