Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2305: Other people's pistachios

Chapter 2305 Others' Pistachio

The doctor said with a strong heart, "I suggest that you spare some time and wait a minute. I see that your sister has many symptoms and it is very serious. I first saw patients with such complicated symptoms. It is also a kind of me. challenge."

"Challenge you..." Sister!

"No, no, I don't think her status is very good. I will take her away first. There is something urgent in the family. If we handle it, we will see the doctor earlier. We will make an appointment first." Mu Yuan hurriedly pulled. Go early at night.

This place should not be left for a long time.

It is not advisable to stay for a long time. I just want you to be mentally ill. It is not really a mental illness.

The psychiatrist did not understand, "This gentleman, your sister is very ill, and you are so ill-conceived that it will harm her."

Mu Yuan did not return at the beginning of the night, as if a wolf dog was chasing behind him, and the doctor shouted at the back. "Be sure to make an appointment early, her illness is not allowed."

Mu Yuan, "..."

You shout again, you shout again, Xiao Erge killed your clinic, believe it or not! !

At the beginning of the night, I was innocent. "Is I really sick? He said that I am very ill, there are several symptoms, I am not going to die, I still don't want to die, I haven't slept with my second brother, I am going to die. I am not dead."

Mu Yuanmu looked at his face. "If the younger brother hears this, he should be eye-catching."

The little apple is holding his little pillow heartily, and he is so sad that he is not good. "Is the mental illness serious?"

"Nothing serious."

"You lie, not serious, why did he let me make an appointment for a quick appointment, as if I could not save it."

"He is a quack doctor, a doctor who deceives people, and mental illness must not be serious." Mu Yuan quickly gave an example. "Night Mausoleum is a senior mental patient. You see that he is alive and well, looking for a beautiful wife, and a smart person. Son, life is a winner, so what is wrong with mental illness?"

"That... very fierce big brother?"

Very fierce big brother = night mausoleum?

No problem! !

"Yes, very fierce big brother."

At the beginning of the night, a heart fell into the stomach. "You don't lie to me."

"I didn't lie to you, is the fierce big brother mentally ill?"


"Thousands of trees are his wife, children's paintings are his children, I am wrong, life is a winner."


"So, nothing bad, isn't it?"

The little apple was nodded by the flicker. "Yes, I am mentally ill and I am proud!"

Mu Yuan patted his head. "Pride is no longer needed."

"Then I am mentally ill and I am a winner in life."

Mu Yuan, "..."

The dull mood that he was stimulated by He Chunwang’s diagnosis book was broken up in the beginning of the night, and nothing left. Suddenly, he thought suddenly, “If I am in love with you, how good.”

This is a pistachio.

As a result, he talked about a love and went to be a pistachio of others.

Of course, others are also his pistachios.

"Ah, I can't fall in love with you, little brother said, I can only talk to him, can't pedal two boats."

Mu fared his face. "I just said it."

The two men talked all the way to the small parking lot. Many people surrounded his car and saw it from afar. The little apple exclaimed, "Ah, someone wants to steal our car?"

She ran over and found that the front of the super-run was smashed.

Several people are talking about it. A tall figure is facing Mu Yuan and the people who are talking with the crowd at the beginning of the night. Mu Yuan sees that this back is slightly stiff.

(End of this chapter)

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