Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2306: Oh, deliberately touch porcelain.

Chapter 2306, 故, deliberately touch porcelain

Several people are talking about it. A tall figure is facing Mu Yuan and the people who are talking with the crowd at the beginning of the night. Mu Yuan sees that this back is slightly stiff.

I couldn't help but lick a few words.

Is this Westerner look like a big one, why is he looking like a Jack like the height of his back?

However, waiting for the man to turn around, Mu Yuan, "..."

It was really his ex-boyfriend Jack Anderson.

What is this?

"Who hit my little yellow." At the beginning of the night, I saw a big piece of distress in the front of the car. This car was just bought for a long time, it was the second time it was disfigured.

The people next to him agreed to Jack Anderson.

Mu Yuan’s footsteps did not stop, and he walked over slowly. The afternoon sun was a bit sinister. He couldn’t open his eyes. Mu Yuan came back with such a light, and Jack had some dreams of returning to three years ago. At that time, The first time I realized that Mu Yuan grew up, no longer a young boy, his body slowly opened, his eyes slowly became fierce.

"It was when he reversed the car and it was hit. We were afraid that he would run. Waiting for the owner with him, are you the owner?"

"Yeah." At the beginning of the night, he pulled Mu, and "Xiaoyuan, our car was hit."

"Oh." Mu Yuan is simple and rude, "losing money."

This is inevitably Jack’s full responsibility. Mu Yuan did not believe that Jack would reverse the car and hit someone else’s car. This man’s car skills are good and fierce. The M country’s car is bigger and the parking space is bigger than domestic. His car is parked well. The parking space next to it is so big, how could he hit the car?

"Yes, how much to lose." Jack's gaze has always fallen on Mu Yuan. Others saw Jack open a broken Ford, not a good car, the clothes worn on the body is also a common mass sports brand, Mu Yuan this car How can Jack afford it if he starts at least three million dollars?

"It's fine to lose a little meaning, and he is not intentional."

"This is indeed a compensation for this collision. This car should be insecure. Big brother, can you afford it?"

"How can I repair a car for $100,000?"


Everyone was screaming, and Mu far said coldly, "Pay 200,000 dollars."

Everyone, "..."

I didn’t know what the price of $200,000 was at the beginning of the night, and I said, “Well, it’s worth it for $200,000.”

Mu Yuan said that this is already a big opening for the lion. It is only at the beginning of the night that everyone can see what a real lion is, and the tone is a bit arrogant.

You are worth 200,000 dollars? ? ?

No mistake?

You can buy a brand new Porsche sports car for 200,000 US dollars.

Mu Yuan intends to go all the way to the black at the beginning of the night. "There is no money to pay for it. Don't lose money, don't deliberately hit it, don't look at your salary."

This is very arrogant.

Jack smiled, but in the eyes of Xiao Yuan, he has always been a poor man.

"Sir, it’s not right for him to hit the car, but don’t be so humiliating, how much salary people earn, it’s his business.”

"Yeah, this is too much."

"If you drive a supercar, you will look down on others and your eyes will look up."


Everyone is screaming, seeing that they are the faces of the Chinese nation, and what remarks will come out. There are indeed a lot of students studying abroad who have been running and smashing people, and there are many things like showing off wealth.

Mu Yuan sneer, sneering, nowhere to suffocate, "What are you doing, my car is five million dollars, you hit me a car, let you spend 200,000 dollars, cheaper you, you think this The car is shipped from the garbage dump. If you hit it, you don't need to lose money. You have a sense of justice, instead of losing it, crowdfunding, or what are you doing?"

Jack, "..."

His fist coughed slightly against his lips. The group of people were not told by Mu Yuan. They did not know what the price of the car was. The cost of repairing the super-running was enormous.

"Well, I lose money, don't be angry." Jack took out the checkbook, and the group of people saw that there was no excitement to watch. They walked away in twos and threes. Several people still felt that Jack had a big head and felt that the lion had a big mouth and should not be deceived. How can I hit a $200,000?

(End of this chapter)

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