Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2322: I can exchange with you.

Chapter 2322 I can exchange with you

Mu Yuan felt more and more suspicious of this person. His West Point background could escape the lie detection. Now that the information has been sent out, the safe house has not been exposed, but he still gives Mu Yuan an instinct that he has rebelled.

Mu Yuan grabbed his coat and went out. This matter was quick and fast, and he didn't want to drag it down again, lest he had a long night dream. He and the night tomb had a phone call and drove to the hospital.

Jack was forcibly sent to the hospital by Lehman. His wounds did not require needles. Because he lost too much blood, he was going to go home in the hospital for blood transfusion. Lehman accompanied him out of the hospital and saw Mu Yuan standing in a tall Under the trees.

The spring is chilly, but he wears enough and wraps himself like a sick person. When Lehman sees Mu Yuan, his nose is not the nose, his eyes are not the eyes.

Alice came over from the other side, but she did not see Mu Yuan. She came over to pick up Jack and Lehman. By the way, there was something to talk about. Following Lehman’s angry gaze, I saw Mu Yuan.

Mu Yuan did not hide at this time. "I have a deal to talk to you."

"Mu Yuan Major, your credibility has gone bankrupt in me." Jack said coldly, who is the reason, carefully arranged a bureau to be stirred up, will not be willing to give up.

Can be biased... This person is Mu Yuan.

If he changed someone, Jack thought that he could not live out of New York.

Lehman said, "I heard no, our chief does not want to talk to you about trading. Do you think it was a year ago?"

A year ago, the sergeant did not have a good day for you.

Humph! !

What Alice wanted to say, and ultimately did not say, this matter can not talk about who is right and who is wrong, each person's position is different, it is easy to have a dispute.

"The chip information, you are not interested?"

Jack had planned to go, stepping forward, turning his head, his eyes falling on Mu Yuan, and there was a bit of suspiciousness. Lehman was anxious, just like the general manager of the city looked at the emperor and was deceived by the enchanting. One of the dead came to a loyalty.

"Sir, his words are not allowed. Who knows that it is true and false. He can destroy your plan today and help He Chunwang escape. Who knows what he will exchange."

Mu Yuan, "Shut up!"

Anyone thought that he deliberately stirred up and let go of He Chunwang.

He clearly does not want He Chunwang to kill innocent people.

Jack is not a person who kills innocent people. He Chunwang is not. If he does not stop him, so many people in the venue will inevitably be affected. If he put a bomb?

How many lives will be buried.

"Is this true?"

"I can give you some information." Mu Yuan and Yu Ling applied for some of the permissions. "I know that your research has gone wrong. If you ask questions, we will give you a repair plan. Your ultimate goal is to save people. me too."

Jack's goal is to save people, but small Taylor, old Rayleigh is not necessarily, they are the first-line people in the line, the most uncommon soldiers under their own hands.

Although they are volunteers, the volunteers who can be selected are all very good physical soldiers with very good individual combat capabilities. Jack wants to save the lives of this group of soldiers.

The tragedy of the children of any country is not the same.

"I am qualified." Mu Yuan said.

"Say!" Jack was obviously shaken.

This matter is more important than killing He Chunwang. It was originally handed over to diplomatic affairs. What exchanges from other sources? If Mu Yuan can help, it would be best.

(End of this chapter)

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