Chapter 2323, I regret it.

Mu Yuan looked at Lehman and Alice, who looked at him. "I want to talk to you alone."



Alice and Lehman are unanimous.

Mu Yuan sneered, "Your sergeant is not a giant baby, what are you afraid of? He will think for himself, he will make judgments, can I still confuse him?"

Lehman, "..."

This is hard to say, who knows if it will be confused.

Jack's clothes have been changed, the wounds have been processed, not so bloody, and it looks better, not so embarrassed, Mu Yuan just looked at him fixedly, I hope he can give a response.

a long time……

Jack said, "Alice, Lehman, you go back first."


Lehman was in a hurry, but there was no way.

Alice looked at Mu Yuan and had no choice but to leave Lehman.

Mu Yuan changed another sports car. This time it was a dark blue sports car. Jack sat on the co-pilot. Mu Yuan left the hospital with his gas pedal.

He Chunwang lost a little bit of a minor injury, hiding in a business building, this business building is not far from the Miss Building, just diagonally opposite, the night court did not expect that He Chunwang’s courage would be so big, just in their oblique Diagonal.

"King, Mu Yuan went to the hospital to take Lieutenant Colonel Anderson."

Belen slightly leaned against the wall, He Chunwang had a fierce cough, and he seemed to cough and bleed. His cold seemed to be intermittent and not good, and his face was very cloudy.

"Mu Yuan..." He drank a glass of water, and a fire was burning in his chest.

Almost, he can't walk out of the art center.

Fortunately, there are three sets of plans, otherwise, he will be in the hands of Mu Yuan tonight.

Mu Yuan is always consistent with his heart.

Belen said, "Don't be strong, don't rush for a while, since the instructor and Mu Yuan may join together to form a front, you should not be hard-hitting with them. If you can't touch it, this thing will drag on for a long time, don't care. If you drag it for a while, there is no reminder for you, you don't have to be too anxious."

"No!" He Chunwang looked very sullen. "I am too late. If they join hands, I really have no hope. Can you guess what Mu Yuan will exchange?"

Belen couldn't think of this complicated thing.

He Chunwang sat down and his emotions calmed down. "What Jack needs most is that information. What Mu Yuan needs most is... Who is undercover? You guess, will they exchange information?"

Belen did not answer, he did not know.

He won't play with the king in a bronze.

Just listen to the order.

"Follow them, try to be closer, I want to know what they are talking about."


When Mu Yuan opened a certain distance, he found that someone was following it. Not only him, but Jack also found it. He didn’t care. No one except He Chunwang’s.

Mu Yuan took Jack to the river. There was no one at the river in the middle of the night. There was a black lacquer everywhere, only the secluded river, flowing silently.

Mu Yuan put out the fire, the two got off the bus, Mu Yuan leaned slightly on the car body, did not go to see Jack, Jack is also very interesting, do not look at him, leaning on the other side of the body, the two back to back.

No one speaks, silence for a long time, this street lamp is broken, especially dull, there is almost no one on the roadside, bare can not hide people, even if the voice is louder, no one can hear it.

"When Cai Zhou gave the night to pass the information, I left a little backup, although it is not complete, but if you want any information, basically I should be able to provide even if the backup I left is not enough, the night Ling will help, but I need you Help me to do one thing." Mu Yuan smoked a cigarette, and said that he did not hesitate.

There is no choice to euphemistically open.

"Say!" Jack is more direct than him.

Mu Yuan stunned and said faintly, "In fact, this matter is also simple. The last time I had a problem with my actions, I have been checking it for a long time. It should be a traitor, so I have to clean up the traitors and need you to cooperate with my actions. If I catch a traitor, I will provide you with information, He Chunwang's business... I don't intervene either."

Jack was silent for a long time. He also smoked a cigarette. Both of them had similar habits. The smoking postures were exactly the same. They didn't know who was infected in the past few years.

"You don't have to be so troublesome, I can tell you who it is."

Mu Yuan, "..."

He suddenly turned and looked at Jack incredulously. Who does he know?

"What, you don't believe?"

"how do you know?"

"Because I have been fighting him for years."

Mu Yuan, "..."

It’s just a blue sky! ! ! ! !

"several years?"

"Two and a half years." Jack has no concealment. "Incorrectly, he has been hesitant to give me any useful news for the past year and a half."

Mu Yuan was shocked and felt very ridiculous.

During their love, they have had so much concealment. Does it count him?

When they had the strongest relationship, Jack also rebelled against one of his undercovers. This is a deep plan, how deep the city, and it is no wonder that the night mausole always said that he is not Jack's opponent.

This person is not in love with the brain, he is too calm, too... smart.

"You have placed undercover in our side. Under the eyes of counter-terrorism, you feel that I will be unaware. In those years when I was most concentrated in counter-terrorism power, I was a little bit sloppy. I would be suspicious." Jack and he explained, also turned I came over and looked at his look. "Do you think that I am terrible, while I am in love with you, can you count your people?"

Mu Yuan, "...I regret it."

What do the girls see?

(End of this chapter)

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