Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2331: Information exchange

Chapter 2331 Information Exchange

"Actually, this experiment was initiated by Roosevelt. Later, because he was too radical and cares about human life, he will be taken over by our family. The experiment is halfway through, and it is impossible to get waist, you promised to me. What about the information?"

Mu Yuan, "..."

When I talked about it, I finally talked about the key points. This is also the focus of Mu Yuanlai’s search for Jack. Before he even said it, he was interrupted by He Chunwang’s assassination.

Mu Yuan will not feel sad and feel that Jack brought him back for information.

It was originally exchange of information.

"You gave me the truth of Peng Zhixian's rebellion." Mu Yuan said that even if something promised to be handed over, he could not easily get him. He also wanted a piece of truth.

Jack whispered, "Slightly wait."

He went upstairs, Mu Yuan closed his eyes slightly, leaning on the sofa, listening to Jack's footsteps, he was actually very sensitive to Jack's footsteps, falling in his heart, every time so clear and steady.

He is already a guest.

Here, he is not a master.

At that time, he could sprinkle and roll here and regard himself as the master. Now he can't, break up, be decent, be gentle, and can't be like this... Don't face.

He can only sit quietly like a guest, waiting for the owner to come down.

Among them, the night tomb sent a message confirming his decision, he can privately trade information with Jack, this thing will be a secret between them.

Solving the undercover thing is the most important thing.

If not, the undercover agents scattered on this side will be in danger.

Jack got down, took a small tablet and showed it to Mu Yuan. This is a conversation between Peng Zhixian and Jack. The conversation is all recorded.

It was a conversation between Jack Zep and Peng Zhixian, and there was also a scene in which Peng Zhixian agreed to Jack’s condition and signed the painting.

This is not synthetic.

Mu Yuan’s heart was half cold. He smiled bitterly. “We have trained him for more than ten years. I would rather believe that you are deceiving me for information, disguising Peng Zhixian’s rebellion, and not wanting to believe that he is really a traitor. ”

Jack can understand the loss of Mu Yuan, his small far, too idealized.

Love is good, comrades are good, friends are good, relatives are good, he has made everything ideal, but in this world, how many things are as perfect as ideals.

"Everything is not as good as people want. Except for accepting, there is no other way. You can't change the ideas of others."

"I know."

Jack took out the last truth of Peng Zhixian's notice to He Chunwang and handed it over to Mu Yuan. "This is the last time he passed the information."

This action by Mu Yuan started all the undercover agents. Everyone knows more or less details. It is easy for Peng Zhixian to want to do it.

Mu Yuan was extremely disappointed.

As promised, he gave Jack the information he had copied.

"This is all the information I can give you. It is not comprehensive and will not help you in your follow-up study. However, you should be able to save your volunteers."

"not all?"

Mu Yuan shook his head. "If you give all the information to you, no one will agree. They would rather sacrifice all the undercover agents and give you the laboratory data. It will be a good solution for your urgent needs. The research, I think you are not a problem, and we can't use our data."

(End of this chapter)

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