Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2332: I have been lying to you

Chapter 2332 I have been lying to you

Jack took over the U disk of Mu Yuan’s hand. This small USB disk was placed in the palm of his hand and was quite heavy.

"You wait for me for a moment."

Mu Yuan thought, the task has long since ended, and our exchange is over. What am I waiting for you to do? Jack took the information in front of him and passed it away.

"..." Mu Yuan snorted in his heart, fuck! ! It turned out to be confirmation, and he looked at Jack incredulously. "Do you think I lied to you?"

"No!" Jack smiled. His smile was always a curative existence for Mu Yuan. He suddenly extinguished the fire in Mu Yuan's heart. "I can trust you."

But I believe but others!

Mu Yuan heard the meaning of the words. "Before Cai Zhouchuan returned to China, I backed up a section myself. This was not passed down later. If this is wrong, what we got is also wrong."

"Have you backed up?"

Mu Yuan suddenly realized that it was wrong. Yes, he had already backed up. Why did he back up long ago? He was subconsciously trying to exchange information with Jack, or...

"This is the decision of the night mausoleum!" Mu Yuan coldly identified this matter as a transaction. "You don't want to think too much."

Jack, "..."

This is really unclear. Who is thinking too much?

After a while, someone on the side of Jack confirmed that it was being verified. It should be true, but the certification also takes time, and it will not be good for a while.

When Mu Yuan’s mission was over, he didn’t want to wait for more. He was about to get up. Jack suddenly asked, “Are you going back to China?”

"Yes!" Mu Yuan said faintly, "I am going to come to an end soon. Go back early, you and I are at ease, and... He Chunwang's business, are you not letting me not intervene?"

Jack is silent for a moment. "Do you hope, can I stay with He Chunwang?"

"The order of the night tomb is also killing him. I will not defy the military order. What should I do? You will do it, but I have to confirm that the mission is completed before I can return to China." Mu Yuan looked at him. "This time, I will In the news of the miss, you deal with He Chunwang's affairs as soon as possible. With the result, I will return to China."

From then on, it’s really the end of the world.

Jack felt a bit stinging in his heart, and there was some pain in it. He was so reluctant that he had to erode his heart. He couldn’t help but give birth to a mourning.

If He Chunwang’s affairs have not been resolved, will he always be in New York.

Stay in the same sky as him.

But... this is a mourning.

"I understand."

At the foot of Mu Yuan, if he had a root, think of Jack at the river. "You just said, you lied to me, what did you lied to me?"

"Now, it doesn't matter," said Jack.

"Isn't it important?" Mu far sneered. "It doesn't matter. Why do you say that half of it is half hidden? You might as well say nothing. In your eyes, I am not a fool. Can you just bully?"

Jack leaned back slightly. "After the wedding at night, what I said to you... is to lie to you."

Mu Yuan’s body was stiff, and he never thought that Jack would say this.

After the wedding at night, it was a turning point in his relationship with Jack.

What did Jack say?

Xiaoyuan, your surname is too valuable.

I am with you, there is purpose.

He said, Xiaoyuan, I have been lying to you.


Every word, every sentence, is recorded in his heart, and he remembers it firmly. He does not dare to forget for a moment. He knows that perhaps Jack is not telling the truth, just wants to break up with him.

(End of this chapter)

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