Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2360: Have you in hand

Chapter 2360 has you in hand

Mu Yuan chatted with her from the beginning, but now she is more and more scared.

He Chunwang step by step to guide him to give information to Jack. With what is determined, he will be able to get information from Jack? Now why should you catch him?

The female agent said, "If you don't take the information out, maybe we can't really get it, because you can't find your headquarters easily, and you can't find your weaknesses. It's not the same for Jack Anderson. They are here. The system is different from yours. If you submit this information from him, you will experience several people's hands. We want to get it. It is very easy. Oh, by the way, we have sold a good price. I have already negotiated with the buyer."

Mu Yuan, "..."

Calm, calm, calm! ! !

Can't be reversed! !

The woman’s words can’t be done. Who knows if it’s a provocation? Who knows if it’s a swearing person? He wants to think calmly and not be self-defeating.

On the monitor screen, a violent crash sound broke out. The car in front was turned over by a sniper bullet, rolled directly on the road, and repeatedly knocked over two cars.

Mu Yuan’s eyes sank and he rushed to look at the surveillance screen.

Jack sent a group of people to intercept He Chunwang, a sniper smashed the front of the car, and then broke the gun, directly in the city to exchange fire.

He Chunwang’s vehicles were all besieged, including Belém.

Jack has dispatched the worry-free door this time. There are about 50 people in total. He has to catch He Chunwang live. He Chunwang is sitting in the car, smiling very gently, gloomy face, pale face, how does it look? Like a miserable young boy, but with a neuropathy, laughing cheerfully, "Lieutenant Colonel Anderson, we met again!"

The hard work of both sides lasted for less than five minutes, and He Chunwang was easily caught.

Jack reached out and pulled him out of the car and handed it to Lehman to confirm his identity. Only one person escaped, and that was Belen. Lehman quickly identified the identity of He Chunwang.

On the monitoring screen, Mu Yuan also saw that Jack easily arrested He Chunwang.

Simple, just like setting it up early.

This is too unusual.

The female agent was not surprised at all. Mu Yuan thought that this must be a conspiracy. "He Chunwang was arrested, and you must not worry."

"What am I worried about?" the female agent asked, "I have already got the money, the boss is dead, I am looking for a boss."

Mu Yuan, "I know how to do business. It’s not as good as my boss. How much is He Chunwang paying you, I will give you double."

A female agent is a wealthy look that cannot be moved.

Mu Yuan increased the weight, "three times!"

Female agent, "..."

Mu Yuan is very local, "four times!"

The female agent smiled. "Mr. Mu Yuan, I seem to be bought by money?"

"I have heard a word in West Africa. As long as I can give money, it is the father of a mercenary."

The female agent is very humorous. "I am the killer in the North American circle. We have a contemptuous chain. We are very contemptuous of the mercenaries in South America and West Africa. We have no ethics. I have already taken all the money and I must do my job well. Unless the employer dies, then I can change to an employer. It is better to pray that he will go to the West."

Mu Yuan looked at her dead pigs who were not afraid of boiling water. "What is He Chunwang doing from the net?"

"With you in hand, how can Lieutenant Colonel Anderson kill him?"

(End of this chapter)

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