Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2361: Making a wedding dress for others

Chapter 2361 is making a wedding dress for others

"With you in hand, how can Lieutenant Colonel Anderson kill him?"

Mu Yuan, "..."

How do the whole world know that he and Lieutenant Colonel Anderson have a feeling of legging, are they advertised everywhere?

No! !

"Then he is going to be disappointed. Jack never talks to the terrorists about the conditions." Mu Yuanmu looked at his face and tried to make Jack an unselfish man. "A few years ago, his two men were arrested by terrorists. He wants to exchange a person, he did not agree, let alone, I am a foreign major, not his robes at all."

"You are his life." The female agent smiled and looked at Mu Yuan. "Mr. Mu Yuan, you haven't recognized me yet, are you?"

Mu Yuan frowned, listening to this tone, he should know her?

Mu Yuan’s memory is very good. As a commander, he can’t remember it, but his memory is very advantageous. Major Mu Yuan started to slick. “You are such a beautiful girl, if I have seen it, I must remember."

The female agent covered her mouth and smiled. "Mr. Mu Yuan has shown great deities in the Golden Triangle. The poisonous scorpions have been killed one after another. The record is extraordinary. It is common to forget one or two people."

Mu Yuan sighed. "It turned out to be an enemy."

"Oh, you misunderstood, I have no enmity with you." The female agent said slowly, "Do you remember the two drug lords that you annihilated in the Golden Triangle last year? One of them is Chinese, I am ordered by King, when he The bodyguards personally witnessed how you and Jack tacitly joined forces to destroy them. At that time, I was wondering why you are so tacit. Later, your identity was exposed, chased by drug lords, and then fell into the forest. You know that Who blocked your bullets?"

Mu far from sinking his face, not answering, just looking at her.

At that time, he went nowhere and broke into the Black Forest. It was a restricted area in the area. There were mines everywhere. If you were a little careless, you would be blown up and broken.

He entered the forest with a mortal heart.

There are too many chasers in the back, and they know very well about this area. As long as they chase in, they will definitely step on the mines when they are in a hurry, because the mines buried here are very dense, and he has escaped from the first day.

Strangely, he heard gunshots outside, no one chased in, he avoided the minefield with trepidation, and finally came out safely. Later he knew that Jack was also lurking in the Golden Triangle and his manpower After taking over his own achievements, Wei Cheng also said that Jack deliberately revealed his identity and deliberately took away their results.

Because the property of these two drug lords was confiscated by anti-terrorism, up to 1.8 billion US dollars, if Mu is far from being exposed, Jack will not take over. For this matter, Mu Yuan’s entire team has a very big opinion on Jack. Later, I heard Jack. The gun in the abdomen, almost died, this thing is not enough, Mu Yuan also comforted his team, as long as the bad guys are brought to justice, and ultimately who does not matter.

"Major, do you want me to say it?" The female agent sold a pass.

Mu far breathed deeply, "Please say."

The female agent said, "Thirty-three people were chasing you at the time. Half of them were very familiar with the forest minefield. They wanted to chase you into the forest. The drug lords also ordered, regardless of the cost to your life. As a result, Anderson The lieutenant colonel came out. He was single-handed. Without a single person, he successfully intercepted the thirty-three people outside the forest, giving you a chance to breathe. Of course, the price was that he had three shots, almost nothing. Life. Oh, there is a shot in the abdomen that I played. I almost shot him in the air, but unfortunately."

Mu Yuan, "..."

It was a hellish night. He didn't remember how many people he killed. He only knew that he was exposed. At the time, he complained because all the evidence pointed to the US.

From the beginning to the end, Mu Yuan was lurking. He did not know that the US was lurking, making plans, and destroying the drug lords. It has been going smoothly, and the results suddenly exposed.

In the final stage of the plan, the net was collected, and the result was a wedding dress for others.

See you in the Ming Dynasty, I am not sure if I will drop the update at night.

(End of this chapter)

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