Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2362: thank you for telling me

Chapter 2362, thank you for telling me

He was chased all the way, left the last bullet for himself, shopping all the way, holding the mortal heart into the forest minefield, groping in the dark, worried that he would be blown up in the next second, he even said All sent to the cloud.

Did Jack save him?

A person coming? Yes, he has always been clear about public and private. If he is chased and killed, and he has nothing to do with his mission, it is so dangerous. He is unlikely to let the rest of the people participate, fearing that the military personnel will be killed or injured, so they can only single-handedly.

One person killed thirty-three people, stopped his chase, and gave him a chance to breathe?

The three shots almost killed Jack’s life.

Mu Yuan clenched his fist slightly and looked at the female agent quietly.

The female agent smiled. "I didn't give him a shot. It was an accident at the time. King's order was to kill him. I was aiming. The forest was a evil door. I was bitten by a poisonous snake. In his Between life and my life, I naturally choose my own life, which makes him escape. I have always regretted it. If I kill him and kill Lieutenant Colonel Anderson, I will be famous for the mercenary community. Uncertain terrorists will send me money and send a banner."

Mu far couldn’t smile at all. "You are making a story."

The female agent looked at him slyly. "Mu Yuanyuan, why don't you believe it? There is a person who loves you like life. Is it very moving? You misunderstood people. I told you by the way. It is King who exposes you. He deliberately blamed Lieutenant Colonel Anderson."

Mu Yuan also guessed it. In fact, he himself did not believe that Jack would invite him for the money. Even if he was exposed to the money, even if he was hostile, he did not have emotional entanglement with Jack. Jack’s character could not do this kind of thing. .

He complained that he and the team had worked hard for a few months, and the result was a wedding dress, and his heart was super unhappy.

"The snake didn't kill you?" Mu Yuan asked.

The female agent shook her head. "Oh, I didn't kill me. Almost, I injected the serum. Is it very mad?"

Mu Yuan, "..."

The gas is not angry, but he remembers it.

There was a shot on Jack that she was playing.

At this time, the female agent is not a cute and beautiful girl in his eyes, it is a target.

The female agent said, "Lieutenant Colonel Anderson is famous on the road, and Major Wesley is a figure that the terrorists hate. It was all right for me to endure. He fell to the ground, I was thinking. He doesn't look like he can live anymore. Oh, by the way, even if he is lying on the ground, he still looks at the direction of the forest, is he moved?"

Mu Yuan looked at her with a real feeling. "I was very touched."

Female agent, "I am also very touched, so I will know that it is good to have a weakness like you, and to prevent you from being a weak point."

Mu Yuan said, "People have weaknesses because they are people."

"Yes, it makes sense."

Mu far moved his arm, his hand creaked, and the female agent's eyelids didn't pick up. "You don't have to bother."

"Don't give it a try, how do you know?"

In the monitoring screen, He Chunwang was arrested, and Mu Yuan’s heart was fixed. “I am very grateful to you, telling me about this past, or I have always been confused, that is really regrettable.”

"Oh, you're welcome." The female agent was polite. "I also admire the courage of the major. I dare to die like this. It's not too brave or too stupid."

(End of this chapter)

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