Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2380: Are all self-picked

Chapter 2380 is a self-defeating

"Lieutenant Colonel Anderson didn't tell you, did I live a few days?"

"Are you sick?"

He Chunwang, "Yeah, I am really ill. Three months ago, the doctor said that the life of up to six months, short of three months, my internal organs are damaged, liver function is exhausted, and life is not long."

"Good end, why are you sick, why is liver failure?"

“Adolescent cancer outbreaks are rising year by year. Have you read the news?”

"It's too busy. I'm late to catch bad guys, I don't have time to read the news. You were so healthy in the past, not like a teenager cancer patient."

"Heavily ill is like the black fate of an accident, I am so lucky."

"It’s not a long time to live, it’s better to pull a few mats." Mu Yuan looked at him indifferently, and his eyes reflected a few smiles. "Let Huang Quan be lonely. After all, I am healthy and should be able to have sixty years." Live, you can't wait."

Everyone, "..."

Jack, "..."

The two men taunted each other, the mouth gun skills were full, and they screamed at the corners, and heard a group of people outside, and they didn’t know what the theme of the conversation was.

Jack pinched his eyebrows and didn't know how to let Mu Yuan come to see He Chunwang. In the end, it was correct or wrong. He was afraid that Mu Yuan would directly suffocate He Chunwang.

He Chunwang coughed a few times, and the cough sounded like he couldn’t stop. He took a few sheets of paper and saw a faint blood stain on the paper towel. Mu Yuan glanced at it. “I don’t think you are like liver failure, but instead It is a lung cough."

He Chunwang seems to be trying to squeeze out a little smile. "Small, not seen for a few years, you are getting more and more humorous."

Xiaoyuan is not the same as his memory. His face has not changed. After several years of undercover career, Fengshuang Jianyu has not traced the years on his face. The clear eyes in memory are still black and white, like newborn babies. . The words were sharper, and the people's attachments also faded away from the impulse and innocence of the boyhood, gradually becoming...indifferent.

He always thought that when he was young, he met the best young man in the world. He had a beautiful face, a soft smile, a kind temper, because he was a soldier, he was the son of a thief, and they parted ways. Not the same road.

All this, blame the fate, and can not blame the young boy he loves.

Now sitting in the rushing interrogation room and re-examining the simple and innocent years, He Chunwang thinks that this is not fate. He and Mu Yuan are not really a type of person, they are doomed from birth.

From the beginning, his favorite boy was just an illusory illusion.

Just like a bubble.

"He Chunwang, I didn't regret things when I was undercover."

Jack pressed his headphones in one hand. "Mu Yuan Major, don't irritate him. I want a confession."

Mu Yuan paused and put a hand on the table and clicked. "Have you ever heard my story in the Golden Triangle, knowing how many drug lords I have destroyed? Not only the six-in-one, you close your eyes, you can't see I know how much harm the drug has brought. After reading the book for so many years, can you tell the difference between right and wrong? You have to retaliate against me, why do you revenge, I am always welcome, but how many innocent people have killed you, your hatred, What is the life of others to pay homage, you are a scorpion, you are on the road to today, not my persecution, is your own choice."

"The last time I didn't finish it with you at the coffee shop, I could finish it. Everyone's life, pain, happiness, and happiness are all their choices. I can't blame others. Just like when I was injected with blue by you. Ice, if I can't hold it, I can choose to indulge in drugs and depression for a lifetime, but I choose to become a soldier. You can choose to release everything after you are at home. When you are a useful person to society, I have contacted. After a woman, she was retaliated by the enemy one day before the wedding. Her fiancé and her family were dead. She chose to invest in the medical profession in Africa. Two years later, I arrested the murderer and told her in person, she told me. Everyone is dead. Whoever has a relationship? She doesn't care about the murderer's ending. Not everyone has chosen revenge after suffering. It won't make you happy, let alone your revenge. Wrapped into more life."

He Chunwang listened quietly, not refuting, even with a strange smile.

"Is Major Major Mu Yuan shirking his responsibilities?"

"I have any responsibility, I am a soldier, obeying orders, I am an officer, I must catch a thief." Mu Yuan looked at him calmly. "This is my duty."

"A good responsibility, a good one never regrets." He Chunwang laughed and coughed up. "So, is this all for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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