Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2381: The young master is on the street

Chapter 2381, the young master fluttered the street

"Let's count." Mu Yuan smiled. "I am also self-sufficient, but you have this kind of power. Since you have the right, you have to pay for it all. Big Master, many people are killed because you are dead. You really don't feel guilty. If a person has no fear of life, how can he be based on the world?"

In the rushing interrogation room, He Chunwang slowly floated a little bit of tears in his lifeless eyes.

"My tragedy is not due to hatred." He Chunwang looked at him sadly. His appearance was not bad, his temperament was gloomy, and his eyes were sad.


"Not willing!"

He Chunwang seems to recall something. He said slowly, "After I was taken away by King, I have lived for a long time. I don't know what to do, what not to do, what to do, I want to tell you, Everything is not my intention. For a long time, I became very confused and afraid of gunshots. It was a valley. All the people in King were stationed there. Every day there were gunshots. I was like a scared bird. So, I started to flee."

"That place is like a land of devils. I can't escape. King never let me escape. He even wants to kill me. Later, Belen said, I am the heir to the Sixth Society and a genius. The researcher, I have a useful place, just as my research is related to a project that King is responsible for, so he sent me to the base. The base is also a place to eat people. Every day, people die. They study some illegal things. I didn't dare to be against King. I slowly participated in the research. I gradually learned the core technology. I wanted to go on like this. If there is an opportunity, I will leave. I have also negotiated with King. As long as it succeeds, He will let me go."

He ridiculed a smile. "Sin is a retribution. There is a man with white hair in the institute. I once thought that he was my elder. One day he accidentally saw his passport. He was ten years older than me. However, it is already a coveted old man. Because of limited conditions, the radiation in the confined space is serious, everyone is chronically dying, and I can’t escape. I am angry, panic, anti-terrorism, I even hate you, why When I was in Myanmar, you didn't look back and took me away. Let me fall into the hands of King. I wanted to explain it to you. But Lieutenant Colonel Anderson insisted that I betrayed you. I can only follow the way with King. ,I hate you."

It was a dark past, and He Chunwang’s eyes were reddish.

Mu Yuan's fingertips shrank slightly, and he could imagine how the days of He Chunwang, who was sensitive and timid, experienced a step by step from a weak and incompetent temper to a gloomy man who is now deep in the city.

He also experienced nine deaths and one life.

"What I hate most, the most hateful thing is that you pulled me out of the abyss and pulled it in half, but suddenly let go, and smashed me into a broken bone, only to be born again." He Chunwang was full of red eyes, but tears were spinning in his eyes. "I am like a humble cock, squeezed out the value, and then slowly grow old, slowly withering, and then thrown into the sea after death, what is my name? What can I do? In addition to resistance, go out Road, what can I do? Unfortunately, even if I killed King and replaced him, my cancer is in the middle of the age. Originally, the doctor said that there is no spread to cure. I am full of hope to open the knife and cooperate with the treatment for eight months. After the recurrence, my last hope of living is gone. Since I am dying, of course I will take you to bury."

Mu Yuan recalled the affairs of Myanmar in the past. He was self-sufficient. In the face of so many deaths, he was taken care of and sent back to China, and he could not take care of He Chunwang.

"After the explosion, I was taken care of."

"You are being watched, Lieutenant Colonel Anderson is not there. He found me. I recognized you as a betrayal. I want to take me to the burial of those who died. Why?" He Chunwang's gentle mask cracked in an inch. "Why should I pay the price? You killed so many people in the Sixth Society, and who paid the price. If it wasn't for him, how could I be taken away by King and fall to the point of today?"

Mu Yuan wants to understand, "So, in the Golden Triangle last year, you deliberately exposed me, actually want his life?"

"Yes." He Chunwang admitted. "You know everything?"

"Slightly know one or two." Mu Yuan was a bit ridiculous. "So you planned the Li Ze incident, let us turn against the enemy and want to bring down the Anderson family."

"Yes!" He Chunwang regretted it. "Unfortunately, I took the wrong step. I didn't expect him to even ignore your life. Let you be a bait and lie to me."

Mu far from the water on the table, bowed his head and took a sip. "Then you are wrong. I proposed it with him. I used it as a bait and he was vetoed, so I stared at him and planned it."

He Chunwang stunned and said with a sneer, "Xiaoyuan, you are really..."

I am deeply in love.

But this is not the case here.

Mu Yuan is not afraid of what he said, just watching him. "Myanmar's things are wrong, and it is no wonder that Lieutenant Colonel Anderson, whoever thought you were doing it, the young master, today, said nothing late. It’s happening, it’s happening, you have to pay for what you are doing. I know that you can’t live long, but the people behind you can still live for a long time. I don’t believe, by yourself, you can Invading the anti-terrorism security system, monitoring all the cameras, you can get so many arms support in a short time."

He Chunwang held the water glass and took a sip of water. He lowered his eyes in silence, like a statue. It looked perfect and indifferent. He was no longer willing to communicate with Mu Yuan.

"The young master..."

"Listen to you shouting a young master, I really miss it." He Chunwang looked at the wall slightly, looking like a memory, "How many times a midnight dream, I dreamed of the year next to the pool, you eat with me." Curry noodles, drinking brandy scenes, when the sun is just right, the flowers are fragrant, we are young and young, the wind is shining... Xiaoyuan, I don't want to die."

Mu far from the middle, He Chunwang looked at him sadly, what Mu Yuan was trying to say, suddenly saw blood flowing from He Chunwang's nostrils and slowly flowing out.

"Big Master!" Mu Yuan was shocked. He had not had time to get up. The door of the interrogation room was opened by a man. Several agents hurried in. He Chunwang spit out a red and black blood. The blood stained the orange prison uniform. It became a glaring red, and Mu far sat sullenly, watching He Chunwang smile and close his eyes.

He even has a trace of peace.

There is no pain in death.

(End of this chapter)

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