Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2393: Old man talks about teenage madness

Chapter 2393, the old man talks about teenagers

Mu Yuanyi should pursue the attitude of the past. "Speaking about it, have you talked about your boyfriend? Oh, have you talked about your girlfriend? You are so busy, you haven’t talked about it, even if you talk, you will be kicked off. Well, unless it is as busy as I am, the average person falls in love with us, we will all be kicked, and then we can't eat it."

Jack silently, not planning to answer this boring topic.

"Talk about ah, do not say I'm angry."

"No." Jack replied coldly.

Mu far nodded. "I guess there is no, have you seen the film?"

Jack, "..."

The ex-boyfriend is really boring.

Jack looked back at him, "If you do not topics that can not speak."

Silence is not the same as jealousy.

"No, ah, I have a topic, this is my subject, you do not shy away." Mu said he just wanted to talk away the sexes, "You are children to see films men and women, or men and men looking piece children?"

Jack is silent.

"Not to be angry."

Jack is silent.

You just get angry, it does not matter.

Mu Yuan, "I have seen, I always think that I am a steel straight man. I used to have a feeling when I watched the film."

Jack, "..."

Jack sent the reins and threw it on the horse's head. Mu Yuan subconsciously caught it. Jack stepped back and took a shot on the horse's butt. "Sit steady!"


The horse was trained and extremely human. The hoof ran up and slammed. Mu Yuan clamped the horse's stomach and had to concentrate on running the horse. The posture of Mu Yuan's horse race has not been forgotten. The seat is particularly stable and the posture is correct. It is good-looking, and there is a kind of temperament in the sky, which is very pleasing to the eye.

Jack couldn't help but pick up the phone and record video for him.

This is the first time during the love period, Mu Yuan recorded the video, Mu Yuan ran six laps along the racecourse, which slowly stopped, and the forehead was all a circle of sweat.

"You are too gentleman, and you are in danger."

Jack grabbed the reins again. "It should be."

"If you don't want to answer the topic, you like to transfer."

"so boring."

"I don't feel bored at all."

Jack took a deep breath. "Let's do, you want to hear, I haven't seen it, let's go."

"Really?" Mu Yuan's eyebrows were all hung up. "Whoever scams, the technology is so skillful, I thought you were in a battle."

"Oh." Jack looked back and smiled. "Is this affirmation to me?"

"That must be, you have a good life and passed to Xie Jing's ear."

Jack, "..."

OK, on ​​the face, he can't compare with Mu Yuan, he admits defeat.

Mu Yuan thought, still a real experience.

"What do you do during your teenage years?"


"Besides training, don't dance, don't soak, don't bubble?"

"What do I want to have a girl with you?"

"Who knows, if you are a sister, I can still grab you from the girl's hand. When I am a male and a young man, this proves that I am very attractive." Oops, the three views are going to be paralyzed.

It’s just over the mouth.


"Tattoos? Hair dyed, haven't you done it?"


"Then you are not rebellious at all."

Jack whispered, "Tattoo, dyeing hair is not a rebellion, it is a second disease!"

"We have a tattoo." Mu Yuan had a whim.

Jack, "..."

Is this intentional?

Mu Yuan is really interested, "How?"

"not so good!"

"Don't be very interesting, I want to mark my name on the inside of your thigh."

Jack, "..."

(End of this chapter)

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