Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2394: We go to tattoo

Chapter 2394 Let's go to the tattoo

Inside the thigh?

what did you say? The wind is too big, I didn't hear it clearly?

Jack looked at Mu Yuan sideways, and Mu Yuan blinked. Jack couldn't help but think of some confused stories that happened inside the thigh in the dead of night. It was vaguely felt that the skin was a bit hot, like who was gently The sip of the mouth, moist, warm, and gradually hot.

Jack felt that he was going crazy by Mu Yuan.

"Ah, you are hard."

"To shut up!"

Jack turned and took a deep breath, trying to press the hot and hot heart in his heart. The memories were kept in the deepest part, and he was suppressed by force, but he was naughtyly opened, like the opening of Pandora’s magic. Box, everything is confused and sinful, Mu Yuan left countless kisses on the inside of his thigh, he also fell inside the thighs, countless kisses.

If you print each other's name...

Jack swallowed, and when he thought of Mu Yuan’s inner thigh and printed his name, he felt... it was a crazy thing, crazy and exciting.

Those feelings of hotness, but how can not escape.

Even breathing is hot.

Mu Yuan looked down at Jack's ear and slowly reddish the blood. He couldn't wait for his neck to stretch and stretch a meter long. He leaned over and kissed his ear and then retracted.

"Can't go, I want to go."

That is the couple in love, the most frequently done thing, the name of each other on their own body, or a certain imprint, that is the bitter romance.

It must be a very good thing.

He and Jack have never done it.

Such a private place can only be seen by each other.

This kind of madness possesses madness and has swept Mu Yuan. It was just a joke, but now it has become a obsession. "If you don't go, you don't go to prove that you don't love me at all."

"Hu is so entangled."

"Yes, I am awkward."

Those who are favored will always be fearless.

Never worry that Jack will be really angry, and know that he is a spoiled, everything is there.

This man has the hardest and coldest heart in the world, but he is very compliant with him.

Jack first let go of Mu Yuan, walked over to bring another group of horses, turned over the horse, and rode to Mu Yuan. "I really want to tattoo?"

"Think!" Mu Yuan nodded, broke up, and left a memorial.

"First run with me for a few laps."

"Then you promised?"

Jack has run up with the horse, Mu Yuan screams, and then ran up, chased up, Jack riding posture is textbook level, but also correct, good-looking, horse racing is also particularly stable, Mu Yuan can not catch up, but also away Not too far away, the two walked along the racecourse, ran wildly for more than a dozen laps, and they were so uncomfortable that they had to stop. This stopped.

He hasn't been riding a horse for a long time.

After Jack saw Mu Yuan stop, he ran for a few more laps. This slowly stopped. Mu Yuan wanted to go to the tattoo, and it was not impossible. To be honest, he was also a bit puzzled by Mu Yuan.

There is nothing in the body.

Jack got off the horse. Mu Yuan had already left the horse. He leaned on the railing on the side, stretched his legs obliquely, and looked up at the water. The sun shone on him, like a layer of golden light.

He smiled and waved at Jack, and Jack strode over and took his water bottle aside and kissed his lips.

Mu Yuan had some unpreparedness, and he did not expect him to kiss him without saying anything. He hugged his neck with his backhand and placed his hand on his waist and suddenly pulled himself. Mu Yuan deepened the kiss.

The two men kissed each other unscrupulously in the large racetrack. The two horses were playing side by side, and the water-sounding sounds of the kisses were so heart-rending that they reminded them of the more crazy things.

The winery was wrapped up today, no one, except for the distant staff, the two big men kissing in the winery is nothing, the staff has long seen that this is a pair, they look at each other's eyes, Tibet Can't hide, where no one knows them, and appreciate each other unscrupulously.

Jack leaned against his forehead and closed his eyes. "Well, let's go to the tattoo."

See you in Minger! !

(End of this chapter)

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