Chapter 2413 Fan Filter

Mu mother can't smile, Mu Yuan will bring them things every time they go out, but in fact, he doesn't bring these things very much. Most of them bring more local products. When they go to the border, they will resist a bunch of Chinese medicine, mushrooms, various soils. specialty.

She can imagine her son in the duty-free shop before going to the plane, eyes are not seen, see which package looks good, the style will all sweep into the basket to check out.

"..." Mu mother endured forbearance, "Is it for your fiancee?"

"Oh, Mom, are you kidding, are you?"

Mum Mom almost beat him. "Whose is wrong?"

"I am not me anyway."

Mu mother got angry. "Then I said to the girl. You are in the army all the year round. You may not go home. If you get married, you will book a quota. If you want to get married, if we want to get married, we will She does not stop, she also knows that it is just a name, not a fraudulent marriage, is mutual benefit, the girl also needs our contacts and funds. Which is the trick to get married?"

For the sake of Mu Yuan's reputation, she just can't say Mu Yuan's sexuality. Mu Dad said directly that Mu Yuan's abdomen was not raised. It was an eunuch. If the other party is willing, it is also your wish.

"I bought a lot, you look at it!" Mu Yuanlian had no impression of his fiancee's name.

"Then I will ask her to meet at home tomorrow and have a meal?"



"I am so handsome, what if she can't figure out how to fall in love with me?"

Mu Mu, "..."

The son is born of his own, and the **** has to endure. Now he is grown up, he is a major, and he is not decent when he beats him.

Take a deep breath!

"It’s all the way anyway. If you are happy, I won’t say anything. It’s not necessary to meet up. It’s best to meet less, so it’s good for each other and it’s unclear what to do.”

"Let's do it." Mu mother did not force him. "Then you went to New York for so long... Cough, let's talk about breaking up?"


"How to say?"

"What can I say?"

"It is not very sad that you are in love. It seems that the feelings are not deep."

"Which feelings are deep, I haven't seen it in the past few years. Whoever talks about Plato's love, can't touch it, and feels deep, Mom, I don't say it, the time difference is a little tired, you also Go to bed early." Mu Yuan couldn't keep going, and threw his suitcase into the elevator and went upstairs.

Mum’s mother still wants to say something. Mu Yuantou did not return and left. At that time, she came out very resolutely, and she had a gesture of loving and unconcerned. Now she can’t understand whether he tells the truth or is a lie.

Maybe the feelings of young people come quickly and go quickly. She has several students and changed her three or four boyfriends in half a year.

Well, hope so!

Mu Yuan took a shower, and then... cut himself into a bald head. He had haircut tools himself. Mu Yuan was very authoritative about how to toss his hair. In less than half an hour, the skull shone. He admired the mirror, his head was very unsatisfactory, still very handsome, very tasteful.

"The bald head is still a big guy, that's really handsome."

Mu Yuan packed it up, changed the home service, and ordered the video at the beginning of the night.

At the beginning of the night, "Wow... are you really cutting your head?"

"Yes, it’s a bald head, it’s not handsome."

At the beginning of the night, Mu Yuan’s face value has always been very positive. It’s his powder, there are fan filters, “handsome.

(End of this chapter)

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