Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2414: Fan filter 2

Chapter 2414 Fan Filter 2

Mu Yuan touched a bald head. "So, don't be afraid of bald hair, your hair will grow out. Then, I asked my little brother. I haven't checked it yet. You are just chronic gastritis. It is easy to treat. Don't I scare myself."

Now technology is developed, unless it is late, not saved, otherwise, there will be no trouble at the beginning of the night, she looks so healthy, where can be related to cancer patients.

I was very depressed at the beginning of the night. "I am taking medicine. When the gastritis is good, I will go for an examination."

"Yes, maybe after the inspection, it will be fine."

"I will never eat seafood any more in the future. My little brother said what to eat and eat, and never eat cold things."

"it is good."

"You just came back, take a break early." I realized that the long-distance plane was very tiring at the beginning of the night. "Xiaoyuan, you are the most handsome bald head I have ever seen."

Mu Yuan, "..."

His hair grows fast, he has a bald head, and he can grow well in a few months. The southwestern military region is hot in the summer, and the bald head is still cool. Woke up on time the next day, went downstairs to have breakfast, the whole family saw his bald heads are not strange.

After all, he is a little prince, and he can ruin his face.

General Mu just looked at him and was very calm. "The hairstyle is good."

Mu Jianshou held back and laughed. The family had breakfast together. Mu Yuan simply said this time in New York. He did not mention anything in the private affairs. He simply went through the matter and also kidnapped himself. Weakened, so as not to scare women. General Mu had read the report and had already known it and did not say anything.

The task was successful, and the experimental data did not go wrong. Later, even if the undercover information was exchanged, there was no big mistake. General Mu was very satisfied with this task.

"Good job."

The imperial building was so sensational that General Mu selectively turned a blind eye and turned a deaf ear to pretend that an old man would not surf the Internet, and he did not know the sand sculpture.

I don’t mention the old man, of course, Mu Yuan will not mention it.

General Mu said, "You have shaved your head. It seems that there is a determination. Now that you have grown up, you have to be more measurable."

"Yes!" Mu Yuan could not help but explain, "I have nothing to do with shaving my head and private affairs."

"Oh!" General Mu was cold-hearted and misunderstood his son for love. He had to make up for Mu Yuan’s opposition from the family. After breaking up, he cut his hair and vowed that he would never break the Korean drama and the blood of the Thai drama. He thought his son. Just for his self-respect, he decided to let him go and don’t poke him.

General Mu did not poke Mu Yuan’s pain, and Mu Jian would not be there. “Anderson’s family is a rumor, or is it true?”

"What?" Mu Yuan did not know what happened to the Anderson family?

"You didn't read the news?"

Mu Yuan got off the plane and said the phone at the beginning of the night. When he came back, he took a shower and then the video at the beginning of the night. He didn't have time to brush his friends and return information, let alone watch the news.

“What news?” Mu Yuan took the mobile phone and took a mobile phone. He was still on the headline. Especially in China, everyone supported the two families to fight and let the rabbits of the flower family have meat. Eat and so on. The news also likes to exaggerate the words, Mu Yuan looked at his heart.


Is Jack injured again?

In the first half of this year, Jack seems to be unfavorable for the past few years, but he has been injured in succession. But why is the whole family going on an outing together? Is such a big goal not to provide a target?

(End of this chapter)

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