Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2433: This is a trap

Chapter 2233 This is a trap

General Mu suddenly made this thing a big deal!

"Mu General's temper is as hot as he was when he was young. Although he hurts his son, he can also put us on the fire." An old general said that he was caught in a dilemma.

These days, all parties have come to speak.

General Mu did not endlessly make this incident in the whole body. He looked like a temper, a well-developed limb, regardless of the consequences, but the meaning behind it was different.

At the beginning, the Yang family still had a hard scalp. To protect Yang Kuan, but finally... General Yang couldn’t stand the pressure and could only give up Yang Kuan.

"Dad, how can you give up on me, I am your only son, the only heir to pick you up!" Yang Kuan was angry and disappointed, he thought that no matter what, the family would protect him.

"What can I do? What do you say about your words, like human words? You usually have no problem with your own people in private. You said in public that they were heard by Mu Yuan and developed into Persuasion, I have arranged public opinion, but Mu’s family is even more perfect. Now I want to protect you. I don’t want to wear this military uniform.” General Yang pointed to the next door, “You look at Mu Yuan, then take a look. You, people just came back from New York, were born and died, and made great contributions. It’s the time when the other party is most proud. You don’t care about your mouth at this time, you talk around, you blame, if this thing doesn’t make trouble, I can guarantee If you can stand up, you will close your eyes with one eye. How do I know that Lao Mu is so embarrassed that I have to smash your military uniform, and it is time to stop the loss."

"Dad, can I still return to the army later?"

General Yang’s face is very ugly. Yang’s attic can see Mu’s family. Mu’s family can also see Yang’s family at the top of the building. The two families are neighbors. Anything can be known.

"You have to leave the army, go to the grassroots level for five or six years, or, directly take off the military uniform and go to do business. You see how you choose." General Yang gave him two choices. In fact, he suggested that his son should do business directly. Using the connections of the family can also come out of a way, and some of the rich who have contact with them must sell Yang Kuan's face, even if they don't sell, they will sell the face of Lao Yang's family.

Doing business is a blessing.

"In the next five or six years, I am 32 years old this year. I am almost forty years old after five or six years. Is it still in the position of the lieutenant colonel? Dad, two years, two years will not work!"

Yang Kuan thought that to do business, can do business, for him, it is also very difficult, the sense of accomplishment must be different, he has been trained as a successor since childhood, how can he be willing to give up halfway?

It’s strange to be far away. If it’s not Mu Yuan, things won’t be so serious. He won’t fall into such a passive situation. The aura of Xiaomu’s has been constant, and he has become a model and role model. Who knows what’s done behind it. What is dirty.

"What do you dream of, the old Mu family will make you easy for two years, when you said nonsense, why didn't you think so serious?"

"I didn't expect it to be so serious. I was drinking too much. I didn't say it by myself. How do I know that he is next door and just heard it." Yang Kuan said with anger, "Dad, this is a trap, this is definitely A trap is the coincidence of the Mu family to fight against the trap you designed. He heard it, and he made a noise, and he got a hot search, which made people all over the country know."

(End of this chapter)

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