Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2434: Hawaiian sunny beach

Chapter 2434 Sunshine Beach in Hawaii

Yang Kuan’s conspiracy theory came out, but there was no evidence. When he saw Mu Yuan at the base, he also had a quarrel. Mu Yuan laughed. “This is God’s intention. Do you know? God wants me to sit next to you and make me temper. Impulsively punched, God wants to let the nosy people shoot the video and send it to the Internet. You started to buy the water army black, I am not very happy, why didn’t you think that your situation will be so bad today? ”

Mu Yuan is not deliberately trying to stimulate him.

Yang Kuan’s words spurred him.

He Chunwang’s death was originally uncomfortable, and he was so humiliated by Yang Kuan. It’s less to fight. “If I am you, leaving the army, doing business, being a businessman, it’s good.”

How Yang Kuan is willing to be a businessman, and the people who walked in their own line have been transmitted from generation to generation. When a businessman is only making money, the soldiers are different.

Regardless of social status, the right to speak is one-of-a-kind. Unless the army can't mix it, no military second generation will do business. Yang Kuan pointed at him. "You are not guilty. What do you do with me?"

"Yang Kuan, you have no cover, do you know how many people will be cold? The base is not your home, we are born and died, not to listen to your gossip, this can not be done, you are not a qualified Military, how to judge, the court will naturally have a conclusion."

Mu Yuan was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. He was not willing to have any disputes with him before the court session, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

The Night Mausoleum is not the person in charge of handling this matter, but plays a unique role in it. He can pull out the long-term resume of Mu Yuan in front of the judge.

That is the resume of ten special forces who have not seen enough in ten years. They can record in detail what time period, what to do, what missions have been completed, how much damage has been recovered for the country, and although there have been mission failures, the mission can be successfully completed. Most of them, and in the past few years, how many guns on the body, how many knife wounds, how many times to escape, the special situation bureau is clearly recorded, some are top secret files, not open to the public, Yang Kuan and others know, There is no one third of the records.

This gorgeous resume was pulled out, and the court was embarrassed to say that Mu Yuan’s beating was wrong. Yang Kuan’s stunned and unbelievable, Mu Yuan was very calm.

In these years, to do these things, what I want is never to ask for merits. They are all dusted up in the archives. They have done what they have done, what merits have been made, and what they have done. He has not cared.

Because he and Jack have used this special feeling, they have used the power of their own country to help Jack. Mu Yuan never felt that he had done something worth showing off. It was all he should, and he completed each task with a redemptive attitude. .

Standing in the position of a stranger, he will condemn Yang Kuan’s behavior, not to mention that Yang Kuan himself is also a soldier. If he says such a thing, he is really worried and not wearing a military uniform.

For the first time and for trial, they need more information.

Mu Yuan knows that this is just an excuse.

Mu Yuan’s daily routine in the military area is very simple, training soldiers, training, no task, and ten hours of devil training every day. By the way, think about whether Jack, who is far away from the Hawaii base, is really injured.

After returning home, he was very restrained. He did not ask the other party's news. Fortunately, he saw a circle of friends. Jack rarely sent a circle of friends, which is the sunny beach in Hawaii.

(End of this chapter)

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