Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2537: Second brother, that is your brother.

Chapter 2537, brother, that is your brother.

Li Chen received a phone call from Gu Yuanli in the conference room. He hurriedly went to the hospital. Yunan and Li Can were both sent to the operating room. Both operating rooms on the same floor were occupied.

When he ran to the door of the operating room, his legs were soft.

On the way, I tried to calmly watch the news and saw the sports car that was smashed. It was Yunan’s favorite sports car. When I first launched it, he still had no money to buy. Yunan pointed to the magazine’s ambition. He wants to make money to buy this sports car.

Usually it has become his favorite car.

Today he should not be cool, what meeting, what customers, where Yunan and Li Can are important.

Seeing Gu Yuanli outside the operating room, he was even more surprised. At this moment, he couldn’t care about the fluctuations in his heart. In the face of life and death, all the grievances of the past can be forgiven.


"You... is it okay?" Gu Yuanli asked.

Strictly speaking, the friendship between Gu Yuanli and Li Chen is actually not so good.

He and Li Can are better, because he noticed that Li Chen couldn’t tell him about his older brother Gu Yuan’an. Gu Yuanli in the second middle school was a big pig hoof, and his heart was very strong. He felt that the big brother would be taken away. Li Chen has never had a good face, always deliberately martyr Li Chen.

Li Chen's temper is also very stubborn. He never loves to stick cold ass. The two have always been in a state of being unsatisfactory and not familiar with each other. Instead, Li Can is soft and some, Gu Yuanli and Li Can are better.

When the steel straight man Gu Yuanli was a teenager, he gave Li Chen a lot of scorpions. After the adulthood, the two men’s routes were different. He also went abroad to study, until his brother’s death. He and Li Chen had almost never spoken, for many years. I have never contacted it. I have seen it several times at some jewelry summits. Li Chen never gave him a good face.

Gu Yuanli’s mood is also very complicated, and I don’t know what to say.

One of them is Li Chen's eldest brother, and the other is a lover. He knows that he should say something to comfort him. But he has been in the high position for a long time. He has always been a person who is flattering, and can't say very soft words.

"When I sent it, I still didn't die."

Li Chen suddenly looked up and looked at Gu Yuanli angrily.

Gu Yuanli’s lips slammed, “I...not malicious.”

With Li Chen’s vision, Gu Yuanli felt pressure and had to explain it in a hurry. In fact, what he wanted to say was that when he was sent in, he was not dead, and there should be no danger to his life.

"You can go!" Li Chen said indifferently that his second brother would not have spoken since he was young.

The young man is a thorn in his body. He wants to poke a person close to him to a **** hole. Nowadays, it is not like a kind of understanding. Li Chen is very bad.

"I am their savior." Gu Yuanli said that he did not know why he would be against Li Chen. Maybe he was competing with him when he was young. Li Chen was too annoying.

Moreover, he did not like Li Chen to ask his older brother to like it! ! !

So watching Li Chen is even more annoying.

“Thank you.” Li Chen said faintly, “Thank you very much.”

He said so thankfully, Gu Yuanli did not know what to say.

Li Can's thing, Shen Qianshu said a bit, Gu Yuanli did not know Shan Junyu, that is to say that Li Can was greatly wronged by this matter, "Xiao Can was hurt by people, what do you not do?"

"Who told you that?"

"Small sapling said about it. After all, my dad has been waiting to see who has eaten the leopard and dare to hurt the children's paintings. It is bound to be unstoppable. You will watch him being bullied by Shan Junyu for so many years. How do you become a younger brother?" Gu Yuanli asked dissatisfied.

His looks are feminine and extraordinarily depressed when angry. He didn't want to answer Gu Yuanli's question. Gu Yuanli talked about the boy's time. "Li Can is a few minutes earlier than he was born. He was shy and sensitive from an early age. You are taking care of him. How do you take care of him like this?" The true face of Shan Junyu has not been discovered for more than ten years. You are really inferior!"

Li Chen sneered, "Gu Yuanli, all of whom are younger brothers, how good are you?"

Gu Yuanli was found to have nothing to say.

The two men lived each other outside the operating room, but the people in the operating room were experiencing life and death. Li Chen was upset and decided to ignore Yuan Li, Gu Yuanli did not leave, and did not know what to stay.

Li Can’s surgery ended first. After the doctor came out, he determined the family. “The injured person’s brain has been violently oscillated. There is a blood pressure that forces the neurons, just on the central nervous system, and cannot be operated. Wait for observation.”

"Is there any danger?" Li Chen asked.

The doctor said, "This will have to wait until he wakes up to know that there will be sequelae."

Only the doctors are not sure what the sequelae are, and they dare not pack tickets with them. Li Chen and Gu Yuanli have a slight panic.

This is why they do not like to deal with doctors, there is no one to answer, but fortunately Li Can is not in danger of life, was sent to the general ward, Li Chen to wait for the news of Yunan, Gu Yuanli was merciful, not swearing at him, Followed by the nurse to send Li Can to the ward, Li Chen thinks of something, told Shen Qianshu about the situation, focusing on the matter of Li Can.

"Well, I said to A Ling."

Just after the accident, the night tomb did not receive news.

Yunan’s surgery has been going on for a long time, and Shen Qianshu’s work in BG has come to an end. Come and wait with Li Chen, Li Chen is a little embarrassed, Shen Qianshu is sitting next to him.

"Yun An will be fine, you should not be too anxious, he said that he is a Koi, every time there will be good luck." Shen Qianshu tried to say something stimulating.

Li Chen did not know that he did not listen to it, and he was awkward.

He suddenly remembered that when Yunan thought that he was dead, was it also this kind of mood, this waiting, suffering and despair, Yunan did not have a person to accompany him.

How did he spend that time?

He has been facelifting, recovering, recovering, and has been going through a long period of time. Once again, he was already a decadent to hell, but he forgot that he went from heaven to hell, walking alone, unaccompanied.

At that time, what was he thinking?

Today, I feel the same.


They are all brothers, Gu Er brother is the worst treatment, no wonder to kill the big brother hahahahaha! !

(End of this chapter)

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