Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2538: The truth of a car accident

Chapter 2538 The Truth of a Car Crash

Yunan did not leave the dangerous period after surgery. In the intensive care unit, the doctor did not dare to give a very clear answer. He only said that the basic situation was stable after consideration, but he still had to observe and stay for one night. The glass was tied into the body and the artery was injured. Fortunately, Gu Yuanli had done a simple first aid. When he was sent to the hospital, he did not lose too much blood and barely stabilized the situation.

Li Chen was a little tired. Shen Qianshu didn't know how to comfort him. He could only hold him. Gu Yuanli narrowed his eyes, looked at them, grinned, and was a little dissatisfied.

Fortunately, he was just a little dissatisfied, and did not say anything. Shen Qianshu made a look, and he did not say too much, Li Can still not awake, Gu Yuanli did not stay in the hospital for a long time.

The Li family brothers and his early break-ups, he is not here to be suspected.

Shen Qianshu accompanied him out of the hospital.

"Second brother, thank you for passing by today."

"I know Yunan's car, I have seen it outside your home. There are not many cars in this country. I thought it was you at first, so I just looked at it and everyone looked at it. I was afraid that the explosion would spread to myself. It’s not me, they have to die today.” Gu Yuanli said it was also very real. “Li Chen dared to talk coldly to me.”

That car is his two most important people, and a thank you all said nothing.

Sure enough, he is the person he has always hated.

Shen Qianshu said, "Second brother, do you see the car accident process?"

"Look, the driver drunk."

The driver has been controlled. Shen Qianshu has no news of the night tomb. Gu Yuanli went home first. He pushed two meetings today and went back to work.

"Yes, then you are careful."

Gu Yuanli nodded, Shen Qianshu thought thoughtfully, there were people coming and going in the hospital, there were more people, Yunan was in the emergency room, and Li Can was not taken care of. Shen Qianshu just thought so, there are several people dressed in casuals coming in. The leader of the bell burns.

"Zheng burning, how come you?"

"Miss Shen, are you here too?"

"They just had an operation, and Li Can still didn't wake up?"

"You must go up and protect Li Can."


The few people listened to the order, "What happened?"

"The big and the poor sent us over, the perpetrators have been controlled. After I woke up, I didn't know why I was drunk. He said that he didn't have the habit of drinking in the morning. He didn't have the habit of drinking at noon, only at night. I will drink a little, many things are confused and I can’t remember clearly. I think there may be problems with the big and small people. I will send people to the hospital to look at them first.”

Shen Qianshu is the most tired of these means of doing the next thing, his face is a bit cold.

"Going for Li Can and Yun An?"

"Just guessing."

Zhongrong also saw the road section monitoring. If it wasn't for Gu Yuanli, today Li Can and Yunan would all be bombed into coke corpses. Fortunately, Gu Yuanli passed by and saved them. At least one minute later, at least one person died.

Yun'an interpersonal relationship is simple. If it is a well-designed conspiracy, it is estimated that it is directed at Li Can.

"It's disgusting!" Shen Qianshu said that she couldn't be violent. She and Li Can were not familiar with it, but she also felt the experience of Li Can. Yunan was her friend and partner. Now she is alive and dead, and it is inevitable to bring a little emotion.

Zhong Burning said, "The big and the young will check this."

"Single Junyu is not already controlled, how is it still endless."

"Li Can confessed, Shan Junyu raised a group of killers, specializing in his work, may be the killer to do, and do not know for the time being, always go out to check things out, they show their hands and feet better, lest we Hands-on."

(End of this chapter)

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