Chapter 2548 is full of chat

Gu Yuanli went over and sat on the sofa. "You are busy going busy."

Li Can looked at Li Chen, and he stopped talking. Li Chen really went away and fell to the door. Li Can was a bit worried. Li Chen and Gu Yuanan are very good-tempered people, very gentle.

After a few years ago, Li Chen was mild and gentle, but it became not so close.

"Your brother has a bad temper." Gu Yuanli said.

Li Can said faintly, "You are not good at your temper."

Gu Yuanli said, "It is better than him."

Li Can does not make an evaluation. In the second illness period of Gu Yuanli, there is a very obvious problem, that is, very straight male cancer and good self-feeling. He clearly remembers that there is a student association, and several girls are very interested in Gu Yuanli. He wants to know him and pursue him, but he can hardly live with his own gods, let all the girls talk to him less than a minute and leave like constipation, respectfully.

His reputation as a straight male cancer is not lost.

Can be called a cancer in the handsome guy.

Some memories can't be opened. When they are opened, they can't control. Li Can doesn't know what to say to him. He hasn't seen each other for several years, and he has never contacted him. Even if he sees it on the road, he avoids walking. It is more strange at the moment. Such as strangers.

"Thank you for saving me." Li Can thanked him dryly.

"You're welcome, any young people with a conscience will come forward in that situation." Gu Yuanli completely forgot, when the car accident happened, he was annoyed that this group of chaos delayed his time and was forced to rely on the right side. Stop, if it is not a road closure, he will step on the gas door and squint.

Li Can clearly does not believe.

Who is Gu Yuanli, he still knows.

The atmosphere is awkward and silent.

A brother who was very close, there was nothing to talk about.

Gu Yuanli is also not good at chatting. He is only good at making orders. It is a waste of time for him to chat. He has a little patience with Shen Qianshu in these years.

Li Canru sat on the needle felt, thinking about when he left?

If you don’t leave, it’s too embarrassing.

Gu Yuanli said, "Xiao Can, how can you fall to such a terrible situation, I have told you long ago, don't trust anyone, be cheated, and almost cheated a life, you are... too soft."

Li Can, "..."

Li Can looked at him with astonishment. Gu Yuanli was once again open, and Li Can wanted to swear. According to our current relationship, we are far from saying the friendship of this matter?

We are more rusty, I hate you more, do you have no points in your heart?

Gu Yuanli did not feel embarrassed at all. A young man who gave orders all the year round and was the owner of a ghost town was all others to adapt to him. There was always nothing wrong with him.

You are also jealous of others.

"You have a car accident, walked around the ghost gate, and thought about it?" Gu Yuanli asked.

Li Can, "..."

Years of education have made Li Can unable to swear. He is stunned by his quilt. This is equivalent to public punishment. What is the difference? If you have a life-saving grace, it is not easy to say too much.

Can be knotted for many years, not so easy to unlock.

Li Can did not pay attention to him, Gu Yuanli did not feel embarrassed.

"Do you have a wound?"

"No pain."

After a few words of chilling, Li Can yawned and made a gesture of being trapped. He was already rushing. Although Gu Yuanli was a straight steel, it was not a low emotional intelligence. He also saw that Li Can was rushing.

(End of this chapter)

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