Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2549: Tangled relationship

Chapter 2549 tangled relationship

He is a little sad. "You... why have you hated me so much?"

He didn't understand, the old brothers, why did they swear at him and stay away from him overnight, Li Chen said it, because of his brother's sake, why can Li Can?

Li Can has a hard time saying that he can't tell Li Chen's business. For Gu Yuanli, it is indeed a bit innocent. The two also grew up together, and their feelings are also very good. Friends who grew up wearing a pair of pants suddenly became evil to you one day. In the opposite direction, Gu Yuanli is always wronged. In addition to his brother, he is a friend of Li Can.

He remembers that Li Can was asking Gu Yuanan about things, but Li Can has always ignored the things of him and his older brother, and it is not reasonable.

"Because my older brother?" Gu Yuanli asked.

Apart from this, he couldn't think of anything else.

Gu Yuanli’s tone is a bit innocent and grievances. Li Can feels like a negative man, who is so debted and very tired. “That’s right.”

"I remember that you and my eldest brother are not deeply involved. Isn't Li Chen provocative?" Gu Yuanli immediately thought of Li Chen. "He has a bad idea about my older brother, and he will certainly challenge you to alienate me."

Li Can licks his lips and doesn't know how to explain it.

"I don't want to mention the past," Li Can said. "You don't mention it."

"That... can we continue to be friends?"

Li Can didn't want to continue to be friends with Gu Yuanli. The matter of Li Chen was always his heart. He silently bowed his head and made silent protests.

Gu Yuanli felt his resistance and was very hurt.

"I didn't kill my eldest brother." Gu Yuanli said, "That was an accident."

He knows that Yang Ping wants to kill his eldest brother. He did think about it during the second illness. If he didn't have a big brother, he might be the master of the ghost town, but he didn't think about killing Gu Yuanan. At most, he thought about Gu Yuan'an taking the initiative to give up the inheritance of the ghost city. .

The mother debt is also, he is also very wronged.

Li Can closed her ears. Whether it was an accident or not, his brother died and could no longer be resurrected. Li Can said, "I am a little tired and want to rest."

Gu Yuanli is not a person who does not care. He gets up. "Well, then you rest, I will see you in the next day."

Li Can heard the sound of closing the door, and then he looked up and leaned back. Gu Yuanan actually told him about it. It was not Gu Yuanli’s original intention. It was indeed an accident.

The real murderer is Yang Ping.

When Yang Ping died, Gu Yuanan also told Li Can.

The murderer who killed Li Chen is already dead. In fact, everyone wants to let go of this matter. Although Li Can and Shan Junyu have been together for more than ten years, they have been very lonely. Li Chen has always been his sustenance.

Li Chen suddenly died, and the blow to Li Can was devastating. He did not know who to hate and could only hate Gu Yuanli.

"Is it unfair to him?" Li Can muttered to himself.

Gu Yuanan is alive, Gu Yuanli does not know, this life will blame for Gu Yuanan's things, and suffer from day and night, even if the brothers do not say, my heart is also very clear about what is going on.

Yang Ping is also dead, is he going to let go?


Mu Yuan has been checking the whereabouts of Xiao Zi, and there is no clue. The technical soldiers said that the bicycle escape is a bit too ridiculous, and the investigation is very difficult. Only one day the information officers will collapse.

The investigation of this one car is still aimless, and no one can stand it.

Mu Yuan was sulking, looking at the map, and thinking about another possibility. If the man and the woman did not leave separately, they stayed in the city. Impossible, they have no need to stay.

(End of this chapter)

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