Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2566: Every day is very exciting 2

Chapter 2566 is very exciting every day 2

General Mu, several big brothers, and the night tomb are in the command center. When Mu Yuan came, he was already full of people. He felt that he was a small shrimp, so he would not join in the fun and stand behind the night.

The man with a beard looks like a man in North America, tall, tall and carrying a silver suitcase, behind him a woman with a child of about three years old, a child holding a Toys, it was a mischievous child, jumping and playing, suddenly hit the man.

The toy in the child’s hand fell to the ground, and the man bowed his head to pick up the toy for the child. The child said thank you and began to play and jump. The man stood up and waited for the customs.

"All staff pay attention to protect Barlow all the way through customs, and do not have any accidents."


The agents at the airport are on standby.

Mu is far away, that is Barlow?

This small airport is in English. Where is he? Already in Xiangjiang?

It was the turn of Barlow soon. He took the baggage and passed the customs. He was a middle-aged woman. She took the passport and compared the photos. She asked a few simple questions and directly stamped the chapter.

Mu Yuan noticed that there were some agents nearby who seemed to be protecting him. The position was relatively scattered.

Everything except their people is not unusual.

"That is Barlow?"

"Yes, he contacted our local agent. We gave him makeup and gave him a passport. I hope he can get on the plane safely." The old deputy bureau said that as long as the plane was safely taken, everything would be fine.

I can't always give people out!

Mu Yuan did not need to check the flight. Someone told him directly that the plane was in A city, not Xiangjiang, so he did not need to bring people to Hong Kong, as long as he waited for Barlow at the airport of A city.

When the Baro people landed, the city of A was his own territory. Everything was well operated. Mu Yuan was still relieved. He didn't like to cooperate with the Interpol on the Xiangjiang side. He wanted to go there and go out to the task. It’s going to be very painful, and it’s much better at home.

Barlow is expected to start a day later, and it takes more than a dozen hours for the plane to land.

He was thinking about it. Barlow had already passed the customs and carried the suitcase on the plane. After the security check, the plane took off for half an hour. Barlow sat quietly in the waiting room, no hurry, he took The mobile phone is brushing, as if it is a very ordinary passenger. It is an old agent, especially stable. The surrounding environment has no effect on him.

Mu Yuan thought, is such an old agent, betrayed his motherland, and fell to the end of the pursuit?

Although he brought the information, it is a very important information for the rest of the country. Mu Yuan has no good feelings for him. Baro is a traitor to Jack.

Whatever the reason, it is not the reason for his leak.

As an affidaded soldier, this kind of behavior, betrayal is not only the motherland, but also oneself!

But he is a foreign soldier, ordered to protect him, this is the order, nothing to his liking.

The picture goes outside the airport.

The voice of a special agent also came. "Secretary, someone is coming, and the whereabouts of Barlow should be traced."

Outside the airport, several bulletproof vehicles stopped at the airport. This is a very small airport. Several special guns with live ammunition came down and hurriedly walked in. The head was a black man.

(End of this chapter)

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