Chapter 2567 King's calculation

The people under the command of their own hands were divided into two groups to block. A group of people went to the customs and the waiting room. A group of people went to the console and did not allow the plane to take off.

On the screen, Barlow began to board the plane.

The night tomb was indulged. "There are four agents who went to the console. You took people to intercept them. Barlow continued to board the plane. The doors closed in fifteen minutes. You dragged them."


General Mu said, "This is too risky."

As long as you board the plane, it is not so easy to get down. It must be caught in the middle.

The night mausoleum is also very stable. "No problem, go quietly, don't let Barlow find out. He is very alert. If someone finds someone to come to the airport to contain him, he will definitely not board the plane."


But Barlow is more alert than the night mausoleum. When there are few agents around him, he realizes that it is wrong. He immediately carries the suitcase to go, "stop him!"


A special agent walked over and stopped Barlow.

"Ballo refuses to board the plane, he wants to leave!"

Barlow got out of the crowd, the movements were more obvious, and it also attracted attention. The night Ling smashed the eyebrows and "started the second set of programs."


Agents took Barlow to the bathroom, and Mu Yuan looked a little bit. At the same time, their team members were making various obstacles and dragging American agents to the command post.

The aircraft broadcast has been reminded to fly to the city of Aloha, but fortunately it is using a pseudonym, it is not very eye-catching, soon, Barlow came out, but Mu far noticed that he is not Barlow, just Pakistan Luo's face, obviously only one meter more than seven meters tall, is not as high as Barlow, he took Barlow's passport and boarded the plane directly.

Mu Yuan thought, the night Ling also felt that the group of agents could not be stopped?

"Secretary, there are people staring, you can rest assured that we will finish the task!"

Yuling said, "Be careful, he is not worth your life."


General Lao Mu wanted to say something and held back.

The group of big men are not good at saying anything.

The members of the squad stopped the agents and brought the commotion. This was outside the country, not the United States. They could not do whatever they wanted and were quickly stopped by the local guards.

The headed officer was very angry and had a dispute with the local guards.

This is not an international pursuit mission. They want to bring people into the airport. They need various procedures. Barlow is coming temporarily. They get the news and they don’t get the complete procedures in the middle. They just patted the table and let They blocked the plane from taking off.

The group was framed as a terrorist, and almost hit the local people. Just in their noisy, the plane began to take off, and the console did not order the flight.

There weren’t many planes in the small airport. The plane was seen flying together. A special agent ran to the floor-to-ceiling window and watched the plane take off. He shouted back and the officer ran over and slammed the window heavily. Turning back and grabbing the order of the local responsible person's neck, the man did not know what to draw, and mad at him.

Mu Yuan remembered that a few years ago, he had a mission and had a similar situation. This is the uncertainty of the mission outside the country. These agents are very familiar. If there is no Jack, he will be relieved.

The plane took off, but no one was relieved. Two hours later, six hours later, the second flight to City A would take off, and the real Barlow would take the flight.

The group of agents left the airport, causing riots, and everyone turned a blind eye to it. This was originally a war-torn country. This situation is commonplace and not surprising.

Real Barlow is waiting in the waiting room. Fortunately, unlike the domestic ones, you can enter the waiting room early. There is nothing in the small airport except for a coffee shop. Barlow has no place to go. He is very calm and changed. Dressed up, wearing a set of ordinary casual models, the beard has been shaved, the face is clean, with a mask, have passed the security check, basically no danger.

Just wait for the boarding.

Local agents began to evacuate.

I went to see if the editor asked me to add more to the 19th!

(End of this chapter)

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