Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2577: Jack is a bit 懵 2

Chapter 2577 Jack is a bit 懵 2

"I asked them to fly to T City, and from there to A City, it should be on the plane. The fastest flight to A in the city is six hours later, too slow."

"After they arrived, they boarded the plane according to the original plan."


One person went out and said the order. After Jack reached out and asked for the video, he went out and called Lehman and Rose, and ordered his team to go to the airport and depart for City A.

There are four people in the Jack group. In addition to Lehman and Rose, there is an informant. There are eight people in the top secret security organization. They have already set off, and these people are enough.

"This is the information from the undercover agent." The informant gave Jack another piece of information.

"Wait a minute." Jack paused and didn't watch the video again.

"Who is responsible for receiving Barlow?"

"It's a special person, plus a small team in the Southwest Military Region."

Jack nodded and continued to watch the video. When the person arrived at the airport, the video was also finished. He repeatedly watched the route of Barlow on the plane three times, and then filled the process.

"Lehman, is the next flight to City A here six hours later?"

"Yes!" Lehman checked the information.

“Do we have agents in the local area?”

"There are only two people." Lehman checked the information and said faintly, "The opposition there has a very strong resistance to us. It is basically difficult for our army to cooperate with us and to our country. People are not friendly, so withdrawing is faster."

Jack indulged, "Give me the various monitoring screens of the airport."

"Yes!" His informant followed him for many years. He didn't talk much, the technology was very good, and he quickly picked up the monitoring screen of the airport. The camera at this small airport is not so much. can see.

Jack looked at the picture carefully, and his heart was secretive. At least four people stayed at the airport, and there were at least four others. They didn’t know if there was any.

Barlow has not boarded the plane. According to his style of work, although he will be removed from the production of smoke bombs, he will leave behind the move, just in case, only two agents, against the disparity, the past is also sent to death.

"Ballo is not gone? Lieutenant Colonel, what are you doing with these videos?"

"He hasn't left yet," said Jack. "The person who walked is fake. He still has three hours to board the plane. The person who informs the top secret institution does not bring any ammunition in the suitcase. After all the customs are cleared, At the airport, someone will send them equipment. The sniper will first look for the monitoring point, encounter the enemy sniper, and do not move. When I arrive in the city A, get communication, avoid conflict with the Chinese personnel. Tell the person in charge of the top secret bureau. From this moment on, the command is mys, don't let them be smart."

"Yes!" Although Lehman did not understand, he quickly went to give orders. The people in the top secret bureau received orders before boarding the plane. Some people were dissatisfied, some were unhappy, and their moods were different.

General Little Taylor was obviously stunned first and did not ventilate with the people in the top secret bureau. The above officers had not contacted the frontline agents and were suddenly taken away from the command. The members of this team were obviously uncomfortable.

"Get on the plane first, and the contraband of the suitcase is taken out!"

Here is pro-American. When they get on the plane, they can bring contraband. As long as there are legal procedures and documents, when they get off the plane, there will naturally be people at the airport. They will then hand over it and transfer the flowers to the customs. There is almost no problem.

(End of this chapter)

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