Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2578: Jack is a bit 懵3

Chapter 2578 Jack is a bit 懵3

They then handed it over and moved the flowers to the customs, almost no problem.

Jack didn't let the band, everyone had a lot of language, and a few people still didn't want to listen. Lehman's order came.

If you do not obey the order, you will not be allowed to board the plane.

The personnel of the top secret bureau have no choice but to obey.

This time it was the joint department operation, and it was Jack's most annoying mode of operation. He usually operated in small teams. Because the national conditions were different, they had a lot of rules for joint operations.

What he hates most is the agents of the top secret bureau. This group of people is indeed the elite of the Delta Special Forces, and has completed many perfect missions. It is indeed a sharp soldier.

Because of this, this group of people likes to make their own claims, and one is more self-sufficient than one.

Sometimes, disobeying orders can be awesome, because they are capable of being able to recover one or two, and sometimes disobeying orders can have very bad consequences.

He worked with them two years ago and later stayed away.

There are so many departments in this way, and he has no choice but to raise his own relationship.

Jack quickly browsed the video and found the real Barlow. It was not difficult for him because the true Barlow and the fake Barlow exchanged their identity and passport. The two were just in the terminal, just looking for one. Find the right one.

"Found you!" Jack looked at the people in the coffee shop. He was an old agent. He was very stable. He watched the video while drinking coffee. He didn't feel nervous. He couldn't see that he was fleeing. It was like go on holiday.

"Lehman, staring at him, printing out his photo and sending it to our undercover agent, letting the undercover agent appear on the evacuation route when they get off the plane in the fake Barlow, but don't do it, let them mistakenly think that We are staring at the fake Barlow. They are free to act. I may not receive the news on the plane immediately, so that life is safe."


Jack got up and found a secluded corner and called Rayleigh. "Dad, Barlow, is that true?"

“Can this still be fake?” Old Rayleigh was incredible. “What are you thinking?”

Jack thought that since he received the order, he has been arranging personnel and tactics, and occasionally skipping a thought. Is this a political conspiracy?

Deliberately creating the illusion of leaking secrets to China, and then ... will cause greater public opinion, the beneficiaries are the country.

"Oh, you still suspect that someone is using this thing as a trap. We really are fathers and sons. I also doubt that I am embarrassed. This time, no one really gets trapped. Barlow is a genuine traitor. You ask this one. What do you do?"

Jack licks his lips. Strictly speaking, he and Rayleigh are fathers and sons, but not the upper and lower levels. His mission is also top secret. He can't be revealed. This is also known in Jack's mind. Their father and son have always been public and private at this point. distinct.

"Nothing, there are too many disturbances on the Internet. They are all conspiracy theories. I am quick to believe." Jack said faintly.

Old Rayleigh said, "This is true. We can't gamble on the face and don't want to make this scandal."

Jack swears, "Oh, I know, nothing, I hang up."

Old Rayleigh snorted and hanged first. This time, the task didn't matter to him. He didn't care about it. He drank tea every day, checked the tax, and tried to deduct the money from the quotient.

(End of this chapter)

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