Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2584: 2584 Mu Yuan and Jack 6

2584 s 2584 Mu Yuan and Jack 6

Miss Sister does not know whether it is intuition, or what, I feel that this person is facing a fierce, not like a good person, with a cold light, directly call Mu Yuan, asking them to come and check in person.

Mu Yuan and others have seen a lot of knowledge, and they will not necessarily detain him. After all, because of ethnicity, some people do face evil, and they cannot conclude that they are agents. Kuroko knows that one of his team has been killed, this is very nervous, the atmosphere of the entire customs is very tight, coupled with the language is not available, Miss Jie used Chinese and Mu Yuan and other people to contact, he misunderstood that he was recognized.

The spy war in modern society is based on intelligence, satellite surveillance, and various kinds of aircraft emerge in an endless stream. The sunspot thinks that China has his portrait, and the special police are sending people to arrest him.

He did not want to sit still and resist, and he was arrested.

Once arrested and torn off the mask, it is definitely a special agent without investigation. Otherwise, whoever wears a mask to pass the customs, the passport is not right, the interrogation does not return to Mu Yuanguan, Mu Yuan handed the sunspot to the armed police team and let them be detained. All the hands and feet are copied.

Mu Yuan repeatedly explained, "I am optimistic, see him as the 007 in the movie, the eyes are not allowed to turn away, always staring."

This is not the agent of their three-legged cat kung fu.


The four special police officers and the armed police of a team are all there. Mu Yuan did not know the other person and did not act rashly.

Benjamin broke two people and was very angry.

Xiao T also passed, his team members were arrested one by one, the other eight were unharmed, Benjamin also had patience, first arranged the task according to Jack's order, Xiao T and another sniper left the airport to go to Jack's designated location crouch.

Mu Yuan looked at the watch.

12:40 pm.

Jack disguised himself and went to the fat man's team. Mu Yuan didn't stay in the customs for a long time. It was almost a bit, Barlow was about to arrive at two, and he also quickly left.

Jack squinted at Mu Yuan in front of him. He remembered it very well. Although both the special police and the armed police wear the same costume today, the badge is different.

Mu Yuan also wore a hat and wore two Bluetooth headsets, and the rest were wearing a Bluetooth headset.

This is their commander.

Mu Yuan and the special police accounted for a few words, looked at the passers-by and hurried away.

Jack only saw the hurried back of his departure, and the rest did not see anything, and Jack was slightly loose.

Lehman is a dark man, lying in the trough. His sir is really a god-like existence. It is like a god. He wears a few clothes and looks super bloated. In addition to his face, his pants are wearing a pair of long pants. In terms of body type, it is obviously too high.

Lehman queued earlier than Jack and soon passed the customs. According to the original plan, Lehman went to the bathroom first, removed his disguise, and went to see Benjamin.

Benjamin quickly contacted him and gave him a position. Lehman soon came over.

"What about Lieutenant Colonel Anderson?"

"He is still passing," Lehman said.

Benjamin secretly said that today's customs are extremely abnormal, and it is a bad country to judge whether it is a bad person. It hurts him two people.

Lehman also knew that he had lost two people.

"If people don't die, they can always be saved. If you collect the information, give me a copy first."

Benjamin quickly spread the information he collected.

(End of this chapter)

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