Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2585: 2585 ​​Mu Yuan and Jack 7

2585 ​​s 2585 Mu Yuan and Jack 7

"Ballo will fall on the third runway. This car is their equipment car. I guess there is a small podium. This car is a matching car. They will run along this line to leave the airport and will not cross. Airport. Here, here, and here, there are snipers."

"The airport's special police and armed police have nearly 50 people. There are still several small teams on the outside. The anti-intelligence team handed over the news. These three roads have sniper ambushes. Although there is no traffic control, today there are fewer vehicles. The retreat route should be these ones, and for the time being we don’t know where they are going to retreat."

Benjamin once again said his deployment, all deployed according to Jack's arrangement, and the people in the anti-intelligence team also listened to Jack.

Lehman nodded and time went by one o'clock.

A little afternoon.

Jack hasn't passed the game yet.

Benjamin said, "The lieutenant colonel has not yet passed, what if anyone is discovered?"

"Then I will command, we will definitely prepare for the second set." Lehman faintly said that his rank is also a major, the speech is very weighty, Benjamin's level is higher than him, his heart disdains, but did not say anything.

There are only tasks in his eyes, and I don’t want to say anything for the time being.


Mu Yuan entered the command car, and the little pumpkin showed a smile. "The major has worked hard."

No one in Muyuan had time to drink. The technical soldier Xiaowan and two armed policemen were in the car. They were responsible for the communication line and information operation of the entire airport. Mu Yuan asked, "Is the smoke bomb arranged well?"

"Already arranged!"

Mu Yuan nodded, and the technical soldiers gave him a picture of customs. Night Ling said, "It has been ten minutes and ten minutes. The enemy will definitely arrive in Barlow. At least two hours will be vacated. It will not be so rushed. That hello, it’s over, and it’s almost like it.”

Mu Yuan also felt that it was almost the same. It should have passed before. Although I caught two people, I don’t know how many people are in the other side.

The little pumpkin handed the message to the customs, and the speed of the clearance gradually increased.

Jack just passed the check and took his luggage to the elevator. Mu Yuan saw the picture, but the camera was farther away. It was not very clear, and he did not know that his ex-boyfriend was at the airport.

After all, Mu Yuan always remembers that Jack said he will be at the base of Hawaii recently.

Half past one in the afternoon!

Jack arrived at Benjamin's meeting point on time. Lehman repaid the information he had collected. Jack listened and watched and quickly adjusted the deployment.

Jack’s information soldier was the last to arrive.

This information geek who graduated from MIT has always been Jack's most trusted and favorite agent. Although he is not strong in combat, he is a war slag, but his IQ is over 99.9 percent of the world. Above, it is a rare information ghost.

"Can you cut off their newsletter in 30 minutes?"

The information soldier used his own computer and the command car that Benjamin had already prepared, and he had already started working. "Twenty-eight minutes!"

"it is good!"

Just at the time of arrival in Barlow.

This is Jack's biggest trump card.

Special love center.

The night Ling smashed the eyebrows, in all fairness, the enemy's monitoring is good, the anti-monitoring is good, the information is good, they are better than them, and the miss technology has not spread to the army.

Such large-scale activities use large monitoring equipment, and he is always a bit worried.

(End of this chapter)

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