Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2586: 2586 Mu Yuan and Jack 8

Chapter 2586 2586 Mu Yuan and Jack 8

But now there is no way.

I can only watch Mu Yuan on the spot.

Mu Yuan’s heart doesn’t know why, he’s been jumping a lot, he’s rarely nervous, he’s not the first time out of his mission, and he’s never had a nervous feeling.

This time I was inexplicably nervous.

When he is nervous, his hands are prone to sweat.

"Major, you drink some water." The little pumpkin gave him a bottle of water, Mu Yuan took it, and looked up, all the deployments were ready, waiting for Barlow to come.

The information desk suddenly had a small current fluctuation, and a humming current sound was heard in the Bluetooth headset.

"Hey..." Mu Yuan frowned, "Hu Yang, can you hear it?"

He is a sniper on the earphones, and the special command center links the entire command vehicle. The sniper uses a single channel. Without the big channel, Mu Yuan is afraid that the big channel will be monitored and betrayed.

Hu Yang was silent for a moment, "Listen."

Mu Yuan said, "Sniper report!"

Six snipers reported accurately and correctly, saying the code, not the address, the sniper's channel, most of the time is very silent, there will be no sound.

After the report, the current sound has not been resolved, and there is also a layer of sweat on the forehead of the small pumpkin. "Major, wait a moment, it may be a malfunction, I am ruled out."


1.45 pm.

The current in the headphones was finally good, and the little pumpkin was relieved. "The voltage suddenly appeared a problem."

In another command car, Jack asked, "Is it invading their channel?"

"They have already synchronized their surveillance screens!" The informant said faintly, and then everything on the screen, the pictures that can be seen in the special command center, all in Jack's command car.

Benjamin was stunned, too powerful!

Niubi! ! !

The informant quickly typed on the keyboard, and Jack frowned. "I want to hear the voice in the channel!"

"I'm trying!"

Even without sound, Jack has clearly seen all the special police and armed police deployments from the special intelligence center. He quickly turned the picture, the entire airport was under his eyes, and there was a special scene of the aircraft. All at his monitoring center.

It took Jack five minutes to understand their police deployment and found a route to retreat, which was two routes away from his expected route.

"Sniper No. 5 and No. 6 changed positions, I sent you the address again." Jack rewrote an address to two snipers. "The rest don't move, wait for me to order. The intelligence team members at the intersection of Lin Cun, etc. I, listening to my orders to prepare for the hijacking, the sniper No. 3 and 4 is only responsible for one thing, killing Barlow, and the rest of the snipers cover the battle."


At 55 minutes in the afternoon, Jack previewed the picture again. "I can't see the position of the enemy sniper."

Benjamin told Jack a few points he circled.

However, there is no sniper in the special center, and Jack naturally cannot see it.

The informant had not heard the voice and command of the monitoring center. He was distracted. "There is still a line. That line can't be cracked within 30 minutes. It takes two hours. I gave up at the beginning."

"Discover enemy snipers along the way. If the other party does not shoot, don't shoot first. Our goal is to fight Barlow to avoid violent conflicts."


(End of this chapter)

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