Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2587: Mu Yuan and Jack 9

Chapter 2587 Mu Yuan and Jack 9

Benjamin asked, "Directly killing Barlow?"

"Under this kind of deployment, take Palo alive, do you think it is possible?"

Benjamin looked at the situation and it was basically impossible. "I understand."

"This commander's life, I want, Lieutenant Colonel Anderson, hope to approve!" Benjamin pointed to Mu Yuan on the surveillance screen, he was in the command car, but fortunately there was no surveillance outside the command car.

Jack glanced at him at random, and he was anxious to remind the informant to monitor the sound, and did not look carefully, "follow you!"

He knew that Benjamin was going to revenge and he died a brother.

This is understandable.

If the soldier under his hand is dead, he will also lose his life!

Without affecting the task, he does not care what Benjamin does.

Originally, Balo came to City A, and even if they had a conflict, China would not dare to make a big splash.

"Is there a voice?"

Jack has seen the plane coming, and slowly falls on the runway.

Mu Yuan also saw it.

Little Pumpkin said, "Major, this method is really dangerous!"

Mu Yuan said, "It is very simple to seek for wealth and danger."

The little pumpkins are going to stop and say, it’s hard to say.

The plane landed on the runway, Benjamin was a powerful intelligence officer, and the judgment was accurate. The arranged personnel were also under surveillance, and the plane slowly landed on the runway.

After a while, a black bulletproof car slowly drove past, and three nearby cars started at the same time.

Benjamin, "This bastard, if you die, you will die."

If he was not treason, they did not need to chase him thousands of miles away, nor would he sacrifice one of his men. One of them was arrested.

The cabin door opened, Barlow came out, wore a hat, and wore a windbreaker. Today, the wind was big. He slammed his hat and got off the plane. The bulletproof car opened. Mu far came out. After asking, he shook hands with Barlow. What the two seemed to talk to and what they were docking, Mu Yuan took Barlow and got on the bus.

Their every move is within the range of the sniper's range.

"Follow them out of the airport, don't do it at the airport!"

Benjamin didn't quite agree with Jack's deployment from the beginning. "Working at the airport is the best option."

"It will hurt a lot of people." Jack said faintly. "The soldiers' fights, bloodshed and sacrifice are sacrifices for the country, and have nothing to do with the innocent people."

He has always avoided fighting in public.

This is also the literacy of a special anti-terrorist special warfare.

Every terrorist attack is a public occasion, too many bloodshed sacrifices, giving them a lesson!

Benjamin is a secret, not a native citizen, who cares about his life and death.

But he only said nothing in his heart, and all of them retired and got on the bus.

Although Mu Yuan left, Hu Yang did not receive a gun. He did not participate in the struggle on the rescue road. His battlefield was the airport. His camera turned and saw two enemy snipers leave.

"Major, three snipers at the airport, two people have got on the bus, another person left in the southeast, there is a car following you, the license plate is XXXXX." Hu Yang said faintly, these are quickly out of his sight, he also It is like a crouching, not moving.


The special love center also saw the picture.

In Jack's equipment car, the information officer has not heard the sound, it is a bit anxious, the other party is also a powerful, always shielding the signal, every point is unstable, he is not good to track.

"There is enough picture." Jack is not entangled. He doesn't want to waste time on monitoring the sound. "Since it is not heard, put it on, and stare at their retreat route, the first team starts to prepare!"

(End of this chapter)

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