Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2588: Mu Yuan and Jack 10

Chapter 2588 Mu Yuan and Jack 10

"There is enough picture." Jack is not entangled. He doesn't want to waste time on monitoring the sound. "Since it is not heard, put it on, and stare at their retreat route, the first team starts to prepare!"

Mu Yuangang knew that he had been followed by the airport, but he was not very flustered. There were more than 20 people supported by the special police and the armed police, all of whom followed.

Just a few kilometers away from the airport, there was a wonderful state.

A group of rich second generations are racing on the suburban roads!

And it came out very awkwardly. More than a dozen colorful super-runs ran on the road. One was faster than one, and they all drove desperately. Mu Yuan cursed.

"Where is the brain damage?"

This group of people is obviously not a local agent. They are very young. They are all A city people. One of them is a second-generation ancestor. He is familiar with the news and often entertains the news.

The night mason bites his teeth slightly, "let the traffic police handle it!"


This group of super-runs quickly dispelled the team of Mu Yuan. Mu Yuan and Barlow’s car were in the middle. The small pumpkin followed him and gradually fell for several tens of meters. Fortunately, he could catch up soon.

The former SWAT team and the armed police team behind it were a bit dissipated.

"The traffic police will stop them in front of you, you change the second road." Night Mausoleum said.

Mu Yuan didn't want to change his course. He could see the surveillance. More than a dozen super-runs should be blocked in front. They must keep moving all the way and can't stop.


In Jack's command car, the information officer said, "They changed their way!"

Jack smiled slowly, "very good!"

He thought for a moment, "Benjamin, you continue to follow them, don't keep too close, lest they start, I have to change, and go from another place."

"Yes!" The driver changed his way.

Jack’s car is six people, a driver and a counter-intelligence team, who are always ready to contact.

Benjamin said, "The killing of Barlow is a sniper. After a while, your mission killed the commander. Did you hear it?"

"heard it!"

Benjamin is carrying headphones, and the flexibility of their mission is great. Benjamin can also direct his own people.

Mu Yuan’s heart is beating wildly.

"Hu Yang, how is it?"

Populus euphratica’s voice came gently, “Get it!”

“Very good, go as planned!”



Soon it was the encirclement, Jack said, "The second group is ready!"




Benjamin used the mobile phone to order the members under his hand, let go, not to worry about Lieutenant Colonel Anderson, as long as there is no conflict, as long as Barlow’s order, use them as mobile targets to fight and avenge the brothers!

Mu Yuan only felt a bump in the car, two tires blasted, the car almost flipped, the driver failed to control the front of the car, hit the pole, Mu Yuan and several agents who did not wear a seat belt fell together. Mu Yuan is very calm, "take down the equipment, get off the bus, allow free counterattack!"

Allowing free counterattack is that when local personnel shoot, our personnel are free to shoot, do not need a command a bullet, they can shoot freely.

Mu Yuan jumped out of the car, and the front team had a car turned over. It was also a mess. Suddenly a sniper bullet penetrated the air and went straight to Barlow.

Mu Yuan pressed Barlow with one hand and squatted in the car. Then he kicked him down and escaped the bullet. He quickly jumped out of the car and dragged Barlow forward. This is a crossroads.

(End of this chapter)

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