Chapter 962 Question

In Gu's Manor, in addition to the sleeping square red sleeves.

This water lily is the most carefully guarded by Erye.

If it is destroyed, the consequences are unimaginable.

"You go away!" Gu Yuanli is like a drunken madman, destroying the water lily of the pool.

Gu Xie's face was a bit cold.

"You are crazy."

Dad will be crazy too. The security guards of the ghost town, no one dared to stop, Gu Yuanli headed into the pool water, barely let himself be awake, called the servants, "put these outside the water lily manor, the farther the better."

The servants did not dare to disobey his orders and rushed.

There are many people and they are quick to handle.

The yard was quickly lost.

Gu Yuanli looked up at the direction of the second floor, hoping... can save.

Gu Erye’s face stood at the entrance of the yard in a gloomy voice, and his voice was indifferent. “You better explain it to me. What is going on?”

The children's painting stood beside the second lord and was shocked.

What is the beautiful lotus in this pool?

The Fortress was destroyed more than half, the ears of the children's paintings were good, and the second master took him to review the manor. He did not return to the Fortress. He also greeted Zhong Zhong, and he agreed to the children's painting. manor.

"Dad, the second brother is drunk."

"What kind of wine is crazy!"

The four brothers and five brothers who heard the news also saw this scene a bit stupid.

Gu Yuanli's face was flushed, his eyes were dim, his body was very strong, and he was drunk at first glance. He held his thanks and staggered and stood still. He slammed down and his knees hit the hard ground.

Gu Xie and his four brothers hurried to frame him.

Although Erye was angry, when he looked at him like this, he didn’t fight for a fight. "Go back, the wine woke up and said."

"Grandfather, don't be angry, the second may be... the sadness is over." Child painting persuaded.

Losing a child's picture, Erye's temper pressure was pressed, and he looked distressed at the mess, leaving only the lotus pond with some petals. "This is a bastard!"


Wake up in the night after a night of coma.

He has no trauma, moves freely, the scarlet in his eyes has faded, a clear, burning heart, this time is really too unexpected, according to the plan of the night tomb, Noah should be awake for a few more days.

After the operation of Shen Qianshu, the plan is opened.

Who knows to get out of control early.

"Is there a message from quiet?" The night is very calm.

Zhong Burning said, "The quiet person tracking a suspicious ship out of the high seas has been continuously tracked, big and small, welcome back."

"Children's paintings?"

"The home is too chaotic, and the second master took the retrospective."

The night mausoleum was very cold. "Is there any news from Silent to inform me immediately, I will go to Gu's Manor."

He is not as calm as Shen Qianshu was smashed, and there is some fear in his heart, "big and small..."

He rarely sees the night tomb, and under the wrath, he can still be so calm.

The medical team persuaded that there was no fruit. The night Mausole went to Gu’s Manor and he went to Gu Yuanli.

Gu Yuanli wakes up, the whole person is still in a state of shackles, and the night mausoleum stands coldly in front of him. "Gu Yuanli, you and I know that the black rose will not have the life of a thousand trees for a while, for a long time, She owes it, then it may be, you still want to take your secret?"

"Second brother, what are you still holding us?"

Night Ling asked, "I have patience with me, I will ask again, what is your relationship with Black Rose?"


Today's update is over. The little fairies are happy for the Lantern Festival. Ask for a wave of tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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