Chapter 963 Question 2

Gu Yuanli's small villa, Gu Xie, the fourth brother and the five brothers are in, Gu Erye is taking care of children's paintings.

The night mausoleum is extremely cold.

Gu Yuanli looked up at him, "You..."

"Why should I shovel a pool of water lilies, because the reason for the square red sleeve coma is that pool of water lilies, isn't it?"

Gu Xie, the fourth brother and the fifth brother were shocked.

The fourth brother said, "Night Mausoleum, you may have misunderstood, my mother has been in a coma for more than 20 years. It is not the reason of the water lily. The water lily is cultivated by my father. He can't do it."

"Gu Yuanli, I ask you, isn't it!" The voice of the night tomb was slightly improved, ignoring the fourth brother.

Gu Yuanli, "No!"

He held his head in pain, and the fourth brother and the fifth brother didn't talk at the moment. Gu Xie looked at him inconspicuously. He felt awkward in his heart. There was an ominous premonition. How could the second brother hurt his mother for so many years?

"Then why should you shovel a pool of water lily, alcoholism?" said the night mausoleum, "When are you a fool? I have long suspected that the child's hair was related to the water lily. I sent someone to detect it, but did not find anything. Can the child's painting that incidence, except for that water lily, there is no suspicious place, you almost killed the child painting, do you know? He is the biological son of me and Thousand trees!"

What did the four brothers round up, "What?"

Not a adopted child?

The night mausoleum looked at Gu Yuanli’s shocked eyes. “You look at the appearance of the children’s painting. Where is he like the nourishment of my night mausoleum, from the hair to the toes, which is not hereditary. When he was born, you were not well protected. He almost killed him. When he grew up, you indulged the murderer and almost killed him. Or said that the water lily is sent to him. You just want to kill him, because you are jealous of me. Because Thousand Trees don't love you, the one who loves is me, so you have to kill our family and kill my wife and I am scattered!"

"No!" Gu Yuanli collapsed under his increasingly sharp questioning. "I don't know that he is your biological son. I thought it was... I thought he was dead, and the water lily is not me. I Just wondering, how could I possibly want to kill him."

The fifth brother was blind, he was a bit unspoken, and he was not good at communicating with others. He simply sat down and listened quietly.

Gu Xie’s heart jumped, “Two brothers, what happened?”

Gu Yuanli wiped his face. "I didn't think about hurting thousands of children. I was desperately trying to protect them. I want to wait for thousands of trees to give birth to children and transfer to other places. Who knows that Black Rose has learned my thoughts and used Yang Lihua. The child is going to do something, and Dr. Shen has to move his hands and feet during the inspection of Qianshu."

"Children's paintings were poisoned in the mother's womb. She was born prematurely because of the impact of the fetal gas. It was also because the toxins hurt the children. Why is the doctor of Dr. Yang dead? The children of Thousand Trees are alive, I really don't know. ”

Gu Yuanli slammed his head slightly.

"I have done a paternity test with Tong's paintings and confirmed it." Yuling said, "Gu Yuanli, you have nothing to do with black roses. She didn't do anything with you, the illness of children's paintings, what happened, the pool The water lily, what's going on, it can't be a coincidence, it can't be that you are drunk."

The brothers of the family, face each other.

Gu Xie Shen Sheng said, "Second brother, things are up to now, thousands of trees are still unknown, what else do you want to hide, what is going on, you hurry to say!"

(End of this chapter)

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