Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 974: You are ugly, spicy eyes

Chapter 974 You are ugly, spicy eyes

"Whether or not I can win, you must continue to control me. Who knows what you will do."

"With you, if you are, you will be sick, fainting, what we do, you don't know."

Shen Qianshu’s heart lingered, Black Rose said, “Moses, you go out first.”


Moses went out.

Shen Qianshu said, "Black Rose is really an evil place. She looks like a young girl, but she is already a killer."

“Is it strange?” said Black Rose, “Welcome to the adult world.”

In this adult world, Shen Qianshu is resistant.

Black Rose said, "Don't underestimate Moses, she will become a stumbling block to your victory. It is also the most promising person in this year. In addition to the heirs of the black rose, the first black rose can also win, directly become black. rose."

"What do you mean?"

"Your mother, Fang Hongshou is the first black rose, not the heir to whom." Black Rose said, "The strong enough people, in the experience, as long as they have been recognized, is the first black rose, in principle, Moshi and Monica will be your opponents, maybe you will die in her hands."

"Who's recognition?"

Black Rose mysteriously smiled. "You know when you know it."

Shen Qianshu sneered, "selling mystery."

Her sneeze, black rose does not care, Black Rose said, "Because I have experienced, I have never reached the top level, so I don't know the rules. I only know that the easiest successor is the heir to the black rose. The hardest part is the first black rose."

"Mosi has the strongest strength and is the most promising person in this session to become the first black rose. If I am not available, I really don't want her to take risks."

Shen Qianshu said, "I can't bear it. This is really a joke. You are sending her to death."

"What do you say?"

“Who are you?” Shen Qianshu said faintly, “You don’t have to cover it up now, take off your veil.”

"Why are you always wondering who I am?"

"You know so much about the night mausoleum, you know everything to everyone, and the second brother listens to you. I am very curious. Who are you?" Shen Qianshu said, "If you are not malicious to me, tell me why, maybe. I am dying in the experience, so I am eyeing."

The black rose is silent.

a long time.

The sound of the waves, constantly roaring, and what sounds in the ears, are very far away.

She smiled.

The black rose raised her hand and took off the veil, revealing a white, but extremely ugly face. Her half of her face was like a white jade, and there was no flaws. On the other hand, her face was uneven, and it seemed to have traces of fire. Scars are not like ordinary scars, like cursed, black and black, extremely ugly.

Shen Qianshu was shocked.


Shen Qianshu's face was pale, and her high fever made her thinking very slow. Even her fears were delayed. Such a face couldn't be said to be good-looking. Her eyes had some fine lines and seemed to be old.

If there is no scar, it should be a beauty billet.

"You..." A woman, except the children, the most concerned, is nothing more than a look, Shen Qianshu wants to be a girl who pity the jade, but unfortunately, it is really impossible to pity.

Shen Qianshu said, "Well, really ugly, ugly, face is ugly, spicy eyes!"


After the end of the update today, I finally saw her true face, and asked for a wave of monthly tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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