Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 975: I hate you, but I am too busy.

Chapter 975 hates you, but you are too busy.

Black rose is angry.

The anger makes her look more unrecognizable. Shen Qianshu is not a mean woman. If a woman is hurt and her face is ruined, she must be pity. She is a girl who is pity and jade.

She never takes people by appearance, but she does not have a little pity for black roses.

"Shen Qianshu, if I kill you, like a drop of rain in the sea, there is no wave."

"Your teacher obviously didn't teach you what is the law of nature. No matter how light a drop of water is, it will make waves when it falls into the sea." Shen Qianshu said faintly, telling her by action, I am looking for death, you come to beat me.

The black rose has a haze in the eye.

Without the cover of the gauze, she looked extremely terrible.


"But, I care about you, you are just a child who doesn't understand anything."

"I have grown up, I don't know what to say, I understand." Shen Qianshu said, "So, who are you?"

"My name is Yang."

Shen Qian’s trees are on the face. "I regret it, I shouldn’t ask you."

She has an ominous premonition.

I remembered the disgusting Yang Bo.

Black Rose said, "Yang Bo's sister."

“Sure enough.” Shen Qianshu concluded, “A family is not a good thing.”

"Do you think that your father is a good thing?"

"It doesn't matter, I know that he is not a good person. He is a good father for me. The murderer can also be a good father." Shen Qianshu smiled, a calm, three-minded and said, "If you My mother, I will not dislike you."

Black rose, "..."

For so many years, Shen Qianshu was the first person she had ever seen, so eager to find death.

"Okay, don't irritate you, I am so irritating to you, you haven't shot me. It seems that you really need me to live." Shen Qianshu said, "Come on, tell your story, I listen, maybe After listening to your story, I can reverse the impression of you."

If you have not experienced very horrible things, how can you be so psychologically distorted?

"Wait, Yang Bo's sister, you are the second brother..."

Lying in the trough! ! !

"Yes, I am the mother of Gu Yuanli and Gu Xie."

"The trough, a big pot of dog blood!"

Going around, it’s all about being messed up inside.

"Do you know what the second brother?"

"He knows." Black Rose said, "If it wasn't for his help, Fang Hongshou would have woken up. I don't know if you didn't know. More than a decade ago, Fang Hongshou had already had consciousness. I used the hand of Gu Yuanli to let She is sleeping again."

Shen Qianshu said, "Well, it must be that my second brother was unclear when he was young, and he was second to middle, and he was cheated by you. He turned back to the shore early, and he must not be in the same place with you."

"You really trust him."

Shen Qianshu looked at the black rose clearly. "Black Rose, do you know what is the most sad thing for a person? Even his own children don't trust. The history of China's five thousand years tells us that parents who don't believe in children don't teach. A good boy who is both loyal and loyal. Fortunately, my second brother is raised by my father. You don’t have any credit. Therefore, I believe him. Sadly, you don’t believe it.”

"Tooth decay."

"This is eloquent," Shen Qianshu said.

"You don't hate him?"

"I don't have so much love and hate." Shen Qianshu said, "I hate you alone, I am too busy to come."

(End of this chapter)

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