Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 976: You blame yourself.

Chapter 976, you blame yourself.

Black rose, "...:"

One day, she will be mad at Shen Qianshu!

Fang Hong’s sleeves gave birth to a daughter who was completely different from her temper.

"So why are you so hateful of ghost towns?" Shen Qianshu asked.

It is really too curious.

Black Rose said, "I grew up with Fang Hongshou and Gu Chun. When I was five years old, I and Fang Hongshou were picked up by Rose Gate and trained together. They became killers. I and her comrades who had been able to trust each other. Sister. At the age of thirteen, we were sent to Thailand together and joined Anfeier to perform a task together. Because of the misguided command, I was wounded. Fang Hong’s sleeve decisively chose to save Anfeier and abandoned me. On the battlefield, let me be caught by the group of drug lords."

"I was beaten, violent, insulted, a dozen men, no day and night, like a nightmare, every moment, I hate, why should I go back, I turned to save her, but she took me Abandoned, saved a mentally ill person, and I and her sister for many years, she turned away from me."

"Do you know the taste of betrayal? Shen Qianshu, you don't know, when your best friend betrayed you, you are disheartened, you will hate it. After she and Amphie supplemented the ammunition, I turned back to save me. It’s been eight days. In these eight days, I live like hell. Every time I breathe, I want to let her taste the pain of the cone. Even if I save me, she will not give up my sin. ""

Shen Qianshu has some sympathy for her.

There are some details, although she didn't say it, she could imagine it.

A flower girl is in the hands of a group of animals, and there will be no good endings.

It is already lucky to be alive.

The real world is cruel.

"Why should she turn away from you and save Anfei?"

Black Rose said, "Because I was injured and lost my fighting ability, Anfeier was only slightly injured. We tried our best to get rid of it. If we tied it together, we would be arrested together. So she judged the situation and gave up on me. Fang Hongshou is born with one. A leader, a cold-blooded ruthless person, can abandon all the leaders who only want to complete the task. I hate her and hate her for betraying me. It was supposed to be her.

Shen Qianshu said, "You..."

The eyes of the black rose are very large, full of bloodshot, hateful and hard to eliminate.

"She said that... is the best choice. It is better to give up one person than to have three people dead. Maybe three people can survive, but she doesn't know what kind of things I have experienced. I didn't say it." Black Rose smiled. "After being rescued, I didn't say anything. They all thought that I was only suffering from some torture and forced confession. In the following days, I let Fang Hongshou, Anfei, taste It’s this taste."

"How do you think that I know that Anfei is mentally ill, of course, because I am tormenting her. Of course, I will not torture her personally. I want to torture her and Fang Hongshou. It is too simple. We often go out together. As long as I draw a little water, a little bit of information to the target can make them annihilate, and everything I bear, I can't move, let them taste a side."

"You are very vicious!" Shen Qianshu said that her eyes were red, and her mother and Anfei were also girls in the flower season.

"I am vicious, who caused this?"

"Mom gives up on you, it is a last resort. It is to complete the task, but also to survive. Did you choose to die with you at that time, all three people are executed to complete you? She is unintentional to cause your tragedy, but you are deliberate ", Shen Qianshu said.

The psychology of the black rose has long been distorted. No matter what, it doesn't make much sense to her.

"I just deliberately, what is it, Fang Hongshou is stupid." Black Rose said, "After eating a few dark losses, Anfeier has a long-sighted eye and has a warning to me. Fang Hongshou always believes me. I feel that I am owed to me. Everything is a priority. I want to kill. She just gave me a gun. It’s so understanding. Later, Anfeier broke the relationship with us. Oh, I thought Broke the relationship, who knows, she just broke the relationship with me, she and Fang Hongshou can still become a reciprocal, really ridiculous."

"I will watch it? Of course not. Therefore, I tried every means to provoke them and make them turn against each other. One time Anfei’s intelligence mistakes caused Fang Hongshou to be trapped in the enemy camp for 16 days. I can imagine What did she experience? When she came back, it was really miserable. Her palms were drilled, two big holes were drilled, the bones were broken, and the body was not mentioned. The knees were almost broken. I think she and Anfi It’s time for children to turn their heads into hatred."

Shen Qianshu heard the eyes red, the scars of the square red sleeves, she touched, although after the correction of plastic surgery, it still left traces.

"They really are as I wish, the relationship is no longer like the past, my heart is soft, I thought, forget it, she also learned the lesson, enough, I am satisfied. But who knows, she actually and Gu Chun Get together."

"Gu Chun is my fiancé. We have fixed the dolls since we were young. We grew up together and have very good feelings. Gu Chun and Fang Hongshou have always been unwilling to deal with them. Just like a family, I didn’t worry about them. I thought they were disagreeable. Who? I know... it’s a flirtatious.”

"You are nonsense, you smeared my parents in front of me, Axi said, my parents grew up together, love and agree, the person he always loves, only my mother, if he is a negative person, these twenty years, he is early If you don’t love, how can you guard my mother?"

"My mother can't be a third person. It's your wishful thinking. The relationship between Gujia and Yang's family is also very tense. Just as I and Xiaojuan are pregnant, I smile and say that after I have a man and a woman, I am married, but this is a joke. You It is the old antiques that ran out of the cave. Now the marriage is based on my own wishes. You are willing to blame my parents and big faces."

The black rose suddenly got up and slammed Shen Qianshu. "You shut up!"

She was said to be at the center, angry and angry, and the eyebrows were gloomy. Shen Qianshu slapped and was not afraid of death. "I am angry and angry. It seems that I am right, men don't love you, you don't have charm, no wonder who, do you know?" ”

"If it wasn't for the time she was injured and sold poorly, Gu Chun wouldn't be with her at all. He should have beaten me."

"Oh, that's what you caused, you are their matchmaker." Shen Qianshu, I am not mad at the gesture that you will not give up, "You blame yourself."

"Shen Qianshu, you live."

"Why should I stay in the mouth."

Black rose chest bullying, the scar on his face is even more embarrassing.


Little fairies, the next chapter asks for a monthly ticket, oh, what?

(End of this chapter)

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