Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 977: How can you not be so powerful?

Chapter 977 is so powerful, how can it not go to heaven?

Shen Qianshu knew that her heart had been completely distorted.

"Since you love my dad, love to get into the bones, how to marry someone else, but also gave birth to a second brother and a sixth brother, the second brother is still much bigger than me." This is not reasonable, even did not grab people, did not get Dead mother.

"They are a mistake!" Black Rose was angry. "I just retaliated against Gu Chun and retaliated against Fang Hongshou before I married Gu Chun's brother."

"You are crazy, unreasonable."

I really can't understand her brain circuit.

"You are not me, how do you know what I experienced at the time?" Black rose chest ups and downs, this long-standing grievances, finally found a person, all said, she only felt very happy, "if it was not that accident So many people have died, I should have made the ghost town... a thing."

"I heard that my second brother's father saved my father, so he will die." Shen Qianshu said, "So, you count the ghost town, you can't count it, but you have killed so many lives. You are a good mother. ”

Her words are ironic.

If the sixth brother and the second brother know the truth, how sad it is.

"What about that?" said Black Rose. "I don't regret it at all."

"Of course you don't regret it." Shen Qianshu said, "How many people are dead, how happy you are."

Black Rose said, "You don't understand, this is not enough. I want to make the ghost city a history. It is not enough. But even if I am lucky, I will let the house cover it for me. When I was dead, I still thought about Gu Yuanli and Gu Xie grew up in Gu Chun’s side. He helped me raise an adult. In the end, the two children gave him a fatal blow. That was a happy thing.”

"Unfortunately, the second brother does not listen to you." Shen Qianshu said that her heart is also very happy. "This kind of grudge is just your own kind of resentment and hatred, and the children are involved, you are not a A competent mother."

"Who wants to give birth to him? I just want to kill them." Black Rose said, "Later, I have always been anonymous, Anfeier suspicious of me, and the investigation is particularly tight, if it is not the night house thing She distracted, she should have checked it out early, I should thank the people of the night house. I am still a cousin with Anfei, and our destiny is just as sad."

"So, when my mother was carrying me, the ghost city changed, and it was also behind you."

"Yes, I want to kill you, killing you in the face of Fang Hongshou, let her know how to lose the beloved. She is too flexible, she ran, and gave birth to a child, even through the sea, with a The stillbirth deceived everyone."

"I actually believed, I believe that the stillbirth is a child, Fang Hong sleeve is in a coma, I am very happy."

Shen Qianshu said, "It has been so many years, you have never killed your mother."

"I want to kill her, but I changed my mind."

Shen Qianshu nodded. "Yes, you changed your mind and killed her. It’s not worthwhile. It’s easy to be old, and the heart is easy. You let my mother stay asleep, looking forward to my father’s change, you might even think. Let my mother wake up, let her face the unrecognizable home, have long changed her heart, this is the biggest revenge for my mother, so you always let her fall asleep, if my dad changed his heart, love When you get on someone else, you wake her up. Is it right? Face it all?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ..." Black Rose laughed, very happy smile, "Yes, you are right, the word is not bad, I have to wait for Gu Chun to change my heart, I will let Fang Hong sleeve know, men can not Letter, I want her to taste the taste of men's heart, and let her know that her beliefs are nothing."

This is the most vicious way to destroy one's will.

She is waiting.

She has been waiting for more than twenty years.

The hateful thing is that Gu Chun didn't give her a chance.

Shen Qianshu was very pity for his parents, and he admired it. My mother had been lying for more than 20 years. Dad was single-minded and never changed. How rare the feelings and defeated the black rose made her become more and more anxious. The more vicious.

If she loses her sense of proportion, she will have a mistake.

"My dad is single-minded and mysterious to my mother, so you are not destined to do so." Shen Qianshu said, "So, you said that my dad had a marriage contract with you at first, I don't believe it, he is not a negative person, you can't think about it. Destroy him in front of me."

"He is a negative person."

"You wake up, this is just a hateful hatred. Who knows, my dad may not remember..."

Black Rose raised his hand and slammed Shen Qianshu.

She was having a fever, and she was a little uncomfortable. The black rose was so strong that she hit the golden star with Shen Qianshu and felt that her ears were smashing, her ears creaking, and she bit her teeth.

Hold back.

Be sure to hold back.

Shen Qianshu said, "He doesn't remember who you are."

"In this case, I will remind him of it." Black Rose said, "He took me, I will let him know the end, no one dares to be offended after I am offended, I will not let him so happy. Going through."

"You tortured him, isn't it enough?" Shen Qianshu said: "For more than two decades, I have been watching my mother lying down. This is the biggest punishment for him. He thinks that everything is him. The fault will cause the mother's coma."

"It is his fault in itself."

"No, it's your fault." Shen Qianshu said, "Don't take your own viciousness and blame others. Your viciousness is beyond imagination. Black Rose, the person you most want to torture, is actually my mother, not me. Dad, you want her to break the relationship, the dream breaks, you want to torture her."

So now, Black Rose is going to torture her.

"Yes, what about it?"

Shen Qianshu thought, not very good.

"You have to know that people live forever, and they are unsatisfactory. Some people are squandered and their careers are good. They may have lost their loved ones for a lifetime. Some people have a happy marriage, but their careers have stopped. Some People can seize the opportunity, but they pass by. No one can do everything. My parents have been working hard for half a lifetime. You are also, you are all tragedies, letting each other pass, it is better than tormenting each other."

Black Rose said, "You want me to let go, idiots say dreams."

Shen Qianshu said, "Maybe I am crazy about dreams, but I can take a step back. If you know early, your life will be different."

"I don't need to take a step back, I just need to pay back my teeth." Black Rose said, "Your mother is sorry for me, your father is sorry for me, so you will pay for them. If you win, it becomes me." Hey, I will let your mother wake up and let her see her good daughter. What day is it in Black Rose? If you are unfortunately dead, the body should be completely unrecognizable, I will also send it to your mother. In front of you, let her see you on the last side. This is my greatest benevolence to you..."

Shen Qianshu smiled. "I don't say thank you, it doesn't matter."

Black rose, "..."

The two talked and made a clear explanation of the old things, and it was also a solution to Shen Qianshu.

"What is your face?" Shen Qianshu asked. "This will not be my mother's masterpiece."


Today, the two are one, and it has been 5k! !

(End of this chapter)

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