Chapter 991 is mad

"The rules are on the road." Mosi said, "No one is forcing you."

Monica said, "You have a good adaptability, so you have adapted to life on the island so quickly. This is different from the appearance of being alive and guarded a few days ago. There is progress, please keep it."

Shen Qianshu said, "If you can't escape, you have to accept the challenge. You can't wait to die."

"It’s good to think about it," Moses said.

Shen Qianshu said, "I think this group of girls is not good, always feel that they will do things."

Monica looked at the past, the group of girls were not afraid of her, one by one very arrogant, this is a fist than the world of winning or losing, Mosi said, "Well, will."

"I blame me, just don't do anything."

Monica said, "There are constant small movements in these days. Even if you don't do anything, they will engage you."

Shen Qianshu, "Isn't Black Rose wanting me to live?"

"If you die in their hands, Black Rose will not blame anyone." Mosi said, "Since you set foot on this island, the selection has begun, you have to find ways to make yourself live to the end."

Shen Qianshu sighed in his heart.

“I don’t want to be too **** when the food is in front.”

Shen Qianshu returned to his room. In addition to training and responding to foreign forces, the island was simply firearms. Shen Qianshu put a knife under the pillow, just in case, and locked the door. "I have to survive."

Monica and Moses don't know where to go, people are not there.

The wooden house of Shen Qianshu is close to the sea, and the sea breeze blows, it is cool.

There is also training at night.

From eight o'clock to one point, the training time of the girls was very dense. Monica and Moses were relatively relaxed. They did not participate in night training. Without Moses and her, she was a little unaccustomed.

Shen Qianshu opened his shirt and the wound was already good. In addition to a little itching, he could not notice the pain and would not affect her training. Shen Qianshu looked for a book.

Suddenly, I smelled a petrol smell.

Shen Qianshu smoked his nose and the smell of gasoline was more obvious.

"This day dry things, where is the smell of gasoline?" Shen Qianshu muttered to himself.

Is there a boat to dock?

Suddenly, a hot, blowing, the wooden house was on fire, the island was particularly windy, the wind blew, the flames madly smashed, and quickly burned to the roof, Shen Qianshu was shocked, "lying trough!"

Someone actually set fire to her room.

Shen Qianshu rushed over and wanted to open the door. The door seemed to be moved from the outside and could not be opened. It was so delayed that the fire tongue had already reached the house. Shen Qianshu wanted to open the window. Although the window was sealed, it was not sealed. dead.

In the house, the oxygen is reduced and the smoke is intense.

Shen Qianshu went to the bathroom, took a towel, washed the water, covered his face, moved over a stool, desperately smashed the window, and a red-hot wooden block smashed down, almost hit her, not far away, heard someone The voice of the call, Shen Qianshu smashed a dozen feet, finally opened the window, she braved the smoke and flames, rolled out, the whole person rolled on the beach, the wooden house collapsed, the fire tongue lingered.

Shen Qianshu, "..."

I am so mad!

Her knees were worn out and blood was not serious. Shen Qianshu looked at the burning wooden house with a stunned look. Yang Lihua rushed over and saw her safe and sound. She breathed a sigh of relief. "Thousand trees, get up, leave here first." ""

(End of this chapter)

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