Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 992: Fairy does not accept this method of death

Chapter 992 Fairy does not accept this method of death

Shen Qianshu stepped back and looked at the flames of the spread.

She has some indifference and some fear.

Monica and Moses also rushed over, and Moses poked her. "Are you scared?"

"No." Shen Qianshu said, "Just... a little emotional."

“What do you feel?” Monica asked.

"As a beautiful girl, the most unacceptable method of death is to be completely unrecognizable and burned into a charred body. This kind of death is really vicious." Shen Qianshu said, "Well, give a glass of poisonous wine and let me die." ”

Monica, "I shouldn't ask you."

Yang Lihua soon reported to the black rose.

Yang Lihua said, "Thousands of trees said that she smelled a smell of gasoline. It should be someone who deliberately set fire to it. Is this a matter of investigation?"

"Investigate what to do, since I have defaulted to the island, all the candidates are qualified to attack Shen Qianshu, and there is nothing to ask, fuss." Black Rose answered very indifferently.

Yang Lihua’s heart glimpsed, is it necessary to start killing thousands of trees on the island?

"I thought that you would wait until her training is over and send it to the selection site, and then do it again." Yang Lihua said, "At the moment she is dead, and the meaning of bringing her back is gone."

"You are wrong. When Shen Qianshu sets foot on the island, everyone is qualified to do it to her." Black Rose said, "She is a huge reward. Who can win, even if anyone has the ability."

"In this case, why should she train?"

"Improve the difficulty, I don't stop anyone from attacking her. This and I hope that she can break through and live to the end. It doesn't conflict. The sky will be reduced to the people of Sri Lanka. It must be painstaking and painstaking. There is some truth to the words."

Yang Lihua is very confused and does not understand the practice of black roses.

"Why didn't Moses and Monica kill her."

Black Rose said, "You have too many words."

She is not willing to answer.

Shen Qianshu finally changed to a place, changed to Monica and Moshina building, the room is next to Monica, the original Monica wants to throw Shen Qianshu and the girls in the same bedroom.

Shen Qianshu refused.

"It’s too bad, I’m sure I will be killed by them in one day.”

"You have to believe in your strength."

"I know my strength very well and I know that I should not go. You are too anxious. I should train me for a few more days." Shen Qianshu said that the matter tonight also gave her a lesson. This is not a movie.

This is real.

Real guns live.

The group of flowers like the girl is coming to her life.

"It's hard for you to live next door, but you have to be prepared." Monica said, "We won't follow you for twenty-four hours. If you want to live, you must rely on your own skills, observe more, think more. The response should be flexible."

Shen Qianshu licks his lips. "It really takes life."

Black Rose is a mad woman, under her hand, all of them are a bunch of crazy women.

Salsa Island.

The island is small in size and is a stronghold of Xie Jingzhen. The information base is very simple, but it is very comprehensive. The night mausoleum, Mu Yuan and a small team of special forces sneak in quietly, and the quiet island becomes lively.

Xie Jingzhen was a few hours late than them.

Sunan City went to another suspicious place to investigate, and there was no result.

Mu Yuan is very relaxed, stretched his legs, lying under the umbrellas and sunning. The signal on the island is very good. Give him a cell phone to be quiet all day. The special forces he brought, went to the water for training.


Three in the morning

(End of this chapter)

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