Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 998: Little fairy upgrade

Chapter 998 Little Fairy Upgrade

"What do you mean?"

"If we take the team to fight the night tomb, we will be unprepared and will succeed. Why do you want to shift the topic and influence the judgment of the doorkeeper?"

Yang Lihua sneered, "The night is not so easy to deal with, I saved your life, you should thank me."

Monica threw an equipment bag to Shen Qianshu.


Shen Qianshu turned upside down, good guy, at least twenty kilograms.

"What is this?"

"We are going to hunt in the forest, and by the way teach you some basic survival skills, bring it."

Shen Qianshu’s eyes are bright, and behind the island is a forest, which is impenetrable.

If there is a chance, she will be able to run away.

Moses and Monica looked at each other and took up their own equipment. The three went to the woods.

After a building, several girls were gathered around and watched them leave. One of them asked, "Would you like revenge?"

"What do you mean, are we going to the forest to block them?"

"Monica and Mosi are really powerful. Shen Qianshu is a newbie. She is not familiar with the terrain in the forest. Once she enters the forest, her life and death will not be hers."

"You are right, Monica and Moses will not follow her all the time. It is not a strange thing to die in the forest for one or two people."

"What are you waiting for."

Several people hit it off and quickly packed up the equipment.

Shen Qianshu followed Moxi and Monica into the forest along the path, while observing the environment in the forest along the way, the humidity is very high, and many of the creatures on the island are natural and natural.

Viper, poisonous insects and scorpions are not uncommon.

Shen Qianshu stepped on the thick leaves, fearing that a snake came out suddenly, and he was frightened.

Monica and Moses walked all the way to the forest.

The sound of the waves has gradually gone.

Shen Qianshu is a few steps behind Monica and Moses. He has always wanted to find a chance to get rid of them. As long as he arrives at the beach, he might find a speedboat and be able to leave the island.

Mosi said, "You follow us honestly, don't be tempted, want to leave this black rose, unless you become a black rose, or black rose is annihilated."

"You have long eyes behind you?" Shen Qianshu spit, she could not say anything.

"It's not hard to guess your attention," Moses said.

In the forest, there is silence, only the sound of animals can be heard.

Moses and Monica chose a highland to teach Shen Qianshu some survival skills in the jungle. He also taught Shen Qianshu to identify some plants, especially poisonous plants. For Shen Qianshu, it is a knowledge that needs to be supplemented.

"Girl, what have you learned in the past 15 years?"

You are very erudite.

"Killing, fleeing," Monica said. "They made a huge sum of money to teach me how to escape and teach me how to kill."

Shen Qianshu raised his thumb. "You and I really are not a world."

"There are fruit trees." Shen Qianshu saw a tree full of fruits. The fruit was bright red and gave off a fresh aroma. The fruit was like a peach. It was not like it. The skin was very smooth and hard. "Is it poisonous?"

Under the fruit tree, a pile of husks seems to have been eaten by people.

It should be non-toxic.

"Eat." Moses said, "What do you like in addition to eating?"

Shen Qianshu picked up a fruit, "My son."

She bit her teeth and couldn't bite it, Monica said. "Cut with a knife."

Monica also picked a few fruits and put them in a bag. Shen Qianshu took out a knife and cut the fruit. The flesh inside was white, like a mangosteen, one by one, very sweet and sweet. I can’t put it down.

Mosi said, "This thing can't eat too much, it will be thirsty."

Several people detoured and left this area.

Twenty minutes later, the four girls were lightly approaching the fruit trees. One of them raised their hands and motioned them to be quiet. She knelt down and examined the husk under the fruit trees. "Is there forest training today?"

One of them shook his head. "There is no forest training today."

"It's them, go here."

Several people have been disguised and walked up the route of Monica and others.

Shen Qianshu sharpened a piece of wood and made a bow under the guidance of Mosi. Mosi said, "Is it an archery?"

"Pull archery, it's very simple." Shen Qianshu said.

Monica, "Well, I like your confidence!"

The three hid in a mountain, waiting for the prey, waited for nearly ten minutes, came a little squirrel, Mosi said, "shoot it."

"It's so cute." Shen Qianshu said, lowering the voice so as not to disturb the little animals. "How can you bear it?"

The little squirrel looked up at his head, his mouth gently licking something, occasionally looking up, a pair of innocent eyes looking around, Mosi said, "Miss sister, believe me, it can't die, you can't shoot it."

Shen Qianshu is cold and cold, "Who can't look down on it."

She went to the amusement park to play the game of archery.

It’s a **** shooter, and it’s a shot.

I won a lot of pig dolls.

She lowered her body, pulled the bow, and shot the arrow. She didn't expect the arrow to be softly shot in the grass. She had a heaven and earth distance from her imaginary shooter. Shen Qianshu was slightly sad, Monica said, "Hey."

"Don't think that if you don't talk, I don't know if you are laughing at me."

The little squirrel was shocked and jumped into the grass and Shen Qianshu revered. "At least, I made him scared."

"Oh, little squirrels are scared."

The three men changed their place while they were squatting, and Shen Qianshu gradually found fun.

I went back and forth to ambush the little squirrel for forty minutes, and finally shot the little squirrel. Shen Qianshu had a sad face and couldn’t help but chanting him. "Amitabha, little baby, after you die, the soul is uneasy, don't look for me, look for they."

Monica, "..."

Moses, "..."

Monica said, "Go, don't sell stupid, you will become a squirrel in a while."

Shen Qianshu discovered one thing. Monica and Moses took her around the circle and shot back and forth, but went to a circle. Her road idiot was half-finished by Monica and Moshi's devil training.

"Someone is following us?"

Mosi raised his eyebrows. "It's amazing."

Monica, "You have long eyes."

Shen Qianshu, "The trough, the deep forest and the old forest, are the sounds of animals. I don't have long eyes behind me. How do I know that I am being followed? Who, is that group of bear children coming to kill me?"

"Guess it."

Shen Qianshu licks his lips, and the girls in the flower season will not let her go anyway.

Moses, "You won't kill her, she will kill you."

"Two sisters, seek protection."

Monica, "Can you increase your ambition?"

Mosi said, "Someone is attacking you, come, tell me, you want to attack them, which position do you want to choose?"

Shen Qianshu looked at the terrain and chose a commanding height. Monica said, "Let's go, I and Moses are your observers, go up."


The next chapter is ten o'clock!

The girls are good night.

There are still dozens of monthly tickets can be one thousand and five, seeking, refill! !

(End of this chapter)

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