Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 999: Scared of urine!

Chapter 999 is scared of urine!

Several people came to the commanding heights of Shen Qianshu's choice, and all of them fell down. They carried green vegetation and gave them a very good cover. Mosi and Monica took a telescope to observe.

Shen Qianshu took a gun and observed it from the gun.

A piece of silence.

The bird is silent.

The sun was so great that it was hot on the ground. Shen Qianshu asked, "How do you know that someone is following?"

"Miss sister, move it." Monica pointed her head. "We will come out brazenly, and if you want your life, you will naturally follow."

Shen Qianshu, "The trough, you deliberately, what brought me to the hunt, you brought me to the target."

"No, let's go hunting."

Mosi said, "The hunter is you, the prey is them."

Monica, "It's a prey, or a hunter, all in between."

Shen Qianshu, "Well, we also have a few days of training, and when we turn it over, your feelings are too shallow."

Mosi can not help but can not help.

In the forest, it is still quiet.

Shen Qianshu did not see any movement from the sight.

These days, Monica and Moses taught her how to attack.

She could not find the target.

This is a high point on the mountainside. The view is very good. Several people are kneeling on the ground, motionless, and only have a shallow breath.

after an hour.

Shen Qianshu felt numbness in his limbs, sweat dripped from his forehead. In the entire valley, there was only the sound of animals, and the rustling of the wind. Shen Qianshu swallowed a mouthful of water, unscrewed a bottle of water and took a sip. .

"Magic girl, I want to go to the bathroom."

Magician Monica said, "A good sniper must maintain at least eight hours of static observation."

"Where, I have this patience. I went to Khao Harford in the past."

Monica, "..."

"I am in a hurry."


Moses, "can be solved on the spot."

"I want to pull."

Lying in the trough, who is disgusting, come, hurt each other.

Monica, "..."

Moses, "..."

"Do you believe it or not, if you move a little, you will be shot a headshot." Monica asked.

Shen Qianshu only thinks that the two cult girls are so ingenious in order to let her urinate. For an hour, there is nothing. How could it be shot a headshot?

"After life and death, you are sure to use your life to try it. Is the other party attacking you?"

Shen Qianshu has stabilized.

Suddenly I felt that it was not so urgency.

"Is your life important, or is it important to squirt?"

Shen Qianshu, "..."

They were talking, suddenly heard the sound of rustling, like the wind blowing through the woods, the rustling sound, and remembering something crawling on the ground, making a terrible sound, and hearing the creeps.

"What sound?" Shen Qianshu has a cold back.

Is anyone coming?

It seems to be the sound of stepping on the dead leaves. Shen Qianshu hurriedly looked at the sight, but the bottom was quiet.

"Hey?" Moses raised a finger.

Shen Qianshu’s eyes are wide open.

I saw a snake that resembles a dead leaf, crawling slowly. His skin and dead leaves can be almost integrated. The body has half the wrists of Shen Qianshu, and the Shen Qianshu has a blank mind.

She is most afraid of snakes.

Once was scared by a non-toxic snake.

This deep forest is also such a big snake. At first glance, it is very poisonous. If you bite it, you will be killed. How to be afraid.

Lying in the trough.

I knew that I should not take this urinary.

Really want to scare the urine.

The snake also climbed over!

Shen Qianshu’s mouth was wide, and Monica used her eyes to signal her not to move.

This is a five-step snake that wants human life.

I was bitten by the cobra, and I was saved. I took a bite and basically gg.

The little squirrel who had just been shot was still lying on the ground. The five-step snake climbed over. His body and dead leaves were too similar. They crawled up and were very slow. I saw her crawling over and slowly swallowed up the little. squirrel.

The picture is cruel and bloody, and can't bear to look straight.

Shen Qianshu’s stomach tumbling.

The three men groaned quietly, and Monica and Moses both took out a saber.

Shen Qianshu was scared of cold sweat. They used the knife to do something. Why didn’t they take the gun and shot the snake.

It came over and it came over.

Ah, it’s coming over, ah, ah.

Will it eat my head? !

If the barrage can make a sound, then the mountains and valleys are the sound of Shen Qianshu’s horror.

The snake swam over.

Very slow, with enough lameness after eating and drinking.

The barrage of Shen Qianshu’s heart is a scream.

It’s too shocking.

Five-step snake climbed over, halfway up, and stretched out a lazy waist. Shen Qianshu was breathing fast. Two girls next to him, one holding a knife, very calm, and the breathing rate was not chaotic.

She can't admire it.

The five-step snake climbed over. Several people subconsciously held their breath. The five-step snake gently circumvented the gun and slammed on the gun. It seemed to be very interesting. Zhang mouth bitten and found that it was a cold machine.

The snake tail slammed the gun angrily.

For the first time, Shen Qianshu looked at a poisonous snake so close, and his soul flew away, and his eyes were black.

She was stunned, she was stunned, she could not see anything, and she could not see anything.

Moses and Monica looked at each other and just started to work. The five-step snake abandoned the gun and climbed away.

Both girls were relieved.

Indeed, a little scary.

Shen Qianshu was in a cold sweat, and the wind blew through a cold.

Monica said, "It's gone, it's okay."

"It almost bit my head!" Shen Qianshu roared and found his heart.

Mosi said, "Your head is too big, it is not interested, so it is gone."

"The big head shows that the IQ is high. If you are small, don't talk." Shen Qianshu spit out, and his heart was full of sorrow. He took a bite out of the chocolate and took a bite. She was going to be shocked. This time, it’s too much to return to the West.

"Fortunately, there is a little squirrel, it is full, appetite is not high, not interested in us."

If you are a hungry five-step snake, it is dangerous.

"Why don't you take a gun and hold a knife?" Shen Qianshu asked inexplicably, and the one thing that was shot was so simple, why should it be complicated?

Mosi said, "Trust me, the girls who have been kneeling in the place to attack us. If there is a gunshot, there is a voice, it will reveal the position, and it will definitely die. The first shot of the sniper is hard to escape."

"Teached." Shen Qianshu nodded.

Have got a knowledge point.

"I watched for an hour and didn't see anyone."

Moses and Monica didn't see anyone, but they didn't dare to take it lightly. Shen Qianshu said, "Whether we are too arrogant."


Today, both are 2000 words, so the update is over, what are you?

(End of this chapter)

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