Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1409: Is it a boy or a girl?

1409, "Ha ha ha, can't beat me..." Sakura was happy to run away.

"Okay! Brush your teeth quickly!" Huo Yun turned and handed the toothbrush to her.

The clean wash water is also put out, the temperature is adjusted to the appropriate temperature, and the towel is also found.

The man put her on the right foot, and when she brushed her teeth, he had already called and told people to buy a new non-slip mat.

For Huo Yunshen's carefulness, Jing Xi has nothing to say, it is her blessing to have such a good husband!

Wash well, go downstairs to have breakfast.

When I first arrived on the first floor, I heard the cry of Sakura’s outside. "Mummy! Mommy! Mommy, come on..."

I heard the voice of my daughter. I don’t know what happened to the child. Jingxi quickly went outside to see it. As a result, she saw Sakura’s beggar on the grass and was playing with several shit.

There are probably three white, furry guys that look a lot like Samoyed puppies.

"Where is the dog coming?"

Jingxi asked.

"It was my father who gave it to me." Sakura picked up a **** and reached the head with the dog's relatives.

Huo Yunshen came out of the house and embraced Jingxi’s shoulder and explained, “The dog was brought back last night. I drove on the road yesterday and almost met an old lady. I got off the bus and fortunately she was fine. She found that she used The carton holds three dogs and is going to sell it, so I bought it."

At that time, I wanted to help the old lady, gave her a sum of money, and bought three dogs.

I also want to bring back to Sakura, so that she will not be so boring.

"Oh. People are fine."

Jingxi looked at her daughter and the dog and said, "Let's raise a few dogs!"

"Well, I also have this plan, but for the time being, I can't raise a dog at home, because your pregnancy is at least after the child is born."

Huo Yunshen understands that it is best not to have pets during the pregnancy, so as to avoid bacterial and parasitic infections or allergies.

"What should I do? You see your daughter like it."

"I mean, send the three dogs to the parents first, and raise them for them temporarily. After you produce them, pick them up again. What do you say?"

Huo Yunshen did the arrangement.

"Alright." Jingxi nodded and shouted at Sakura Bao. "Well, baby, put the dog down and go into the house to wash your hands and eat."

Sakura Po put down the dog and touched the dog's head and said, "You have to swear, my sister has eaten, come to you to play!"

For a short time, the guy has become the sister of three pets.

After eating, Huo Yunshen let his wife and daughter get on the bus together, then put the three dogs in a pet cage, put them in the trunk of the car, and set off to the hospital together.

I had an obstetrician at the hospital and had a medical checkup for Jingxi.

All the indicators are normal. When listening to the fetal heart, Huo Yunshen and Sakura Bao accompanied her.

"Wow~ Dad, the baby heard the voice of his brother."

There was a clear heartbeat in the fetal heart rate. There were two, Sakurabao heard it, and excitedly clapped his hands.

"Well, I heard it too."

Huo Yun Shen listened carefully to the baby's heartbeat, holding his wife's hand, and felt very excited in his heart.

In two months, the guys will meet with them.

He is almost ready to see two children.

Will it be a boy or a girl?

Really looking forward to it!

At the end of the inspection, Huo Yunshen drove and the family went to the Moon Castle.


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