Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1954: It’s just too clever

In 1954, Xiao Yuqi walked a few steps and thought of one thing. He asked her back. "To the sister, tomorrow we have a basketball game in our school. Our school team is playing, sister, can you come to see me?"

Xiao Yuxi looks at the time, just tomorrow is the weekend. "Well, I am going to cheer you up."

"Thank you sister!" Xiao Yuche came over and hugged her, then let go of her and ran upstairs briskly.

Looking at Xiao Yu's back, Xiao Yuqi slightly evoked the lips. In her heart, the younger brother is always a small child.


The annual campus basketball league is held as scheduled, and this year's basketball league is in the huge stadium.

Xiao Yuxi took the ticket given to her by her brother. She came to the University of Tokyo early and found her position to sit down and wait for the league opening.

Her position is close to the first three rows of the stadium, and the view is particularly good, and the front of the entire stadium can be seen.

When the time is up, many teams that have come to participate in the competition have appeared on the scene.

Among the many teams, Xiao Yuqi found Xiao Yu's big dream team, they are wearing a uniform white basketball uniform, handsome and flying.

After the opening of the cheerleading dance, the school leader gave a speech, and then all the teams draw lots to decide the game group.

The referee whistled and the basketball game officially began. Xiao Yuche’s team of great dreams was invincible, all the way to the end, and eliminated other opponents.

Finally, they will be challenged by the team that won the championship in the campus basketball league last year.

A team wearing a black basketball uniform went to the arena and finally stood on the opponent's seat with the big dream team.

Xiao Yuxi sat in the audience and saw that the team came up, vaguely felt that some of them were familiar, and when they looked closely, they almost vomited blood. Isn’t that person Ma Zhendong?

And he just stood opposite Xiao Yuche at this time, which is simply too clever.

Xiao Yuche saw the captain of the team and stood opposite him. The two not only knew each other, but also had friction before the battle for the venue. The two sides also played.

Now standing on the opposite side, the players of both teams are looking at each other and not pleasing to the eye.

This ultimate contest is inevitable!

The team represented by Ma Yindong can defend the honor of last year. Everything depends on today's game!

Coming soon, Xiao Yuche turned to look at the audience, the direction of her sister, knowing that her sister was here with him, and his heart was filled with courage and strength.

He won't let his sister down!

Seeing her brother waving at her, Xiao Yuxi also waved at him.

The interaction between the younger brothers and the younger brothers fell in the eyes of Ma Yindong. He also saw Xiao Yu in the audience on the venue.

It was a surprise that he would come to the university campus to watch the students playing the game, and today his opponent happens to be Xiao Yuxi’s younger brother.

He is not going to let him go because Xiao Yuche is Xiao Yu’s younger brother.

Xiao Yu's eyes watched the younger brother and Ma Yindong. Suddenly, she saw Ma Yindong making a kiss gesture to her. Xiao Yu felt the forehead and the face began to get hot.

Damn, even if it is so far away, I can feel that the man seems to be deliberately marrying her.

Really a bad guy!

I wish you lose this game!

The finals began, and both sides went all out to fight. Xiao Yuxi looked at the dream team wearing a white uniform and the team wearing black, feeling like a nightmare and an angel's battle.


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