Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1955: Hurt her

In 1955, the boys who love to play basketball are tall and handsome, and pass the ball on the court with ease. Every action is very cool, and the girls who watch the ball are all screaming. bookmark our website

Xiao Yuxi found that when Ma Yidong played basketball, it looked very cool and charming.

Realizing that he was thinking, Xiao Yuxi felt that his cheeks were hotter.

The two sides were evenly matched, and the score of the opponent was equal. The score was once tied, and Xiao Yuxi secretly slammed the team for the younger brother.

I hope they can win the team of Ma Yindong!

The first half of the score was flat, and the game quickly reached the second half. After intense hard work, the team showed their unparalleled skills, especially Ma Yindong. After the game, the game has become superb.

A dunk and a dunk quickly spread the score.

The screams under the field were even worse. They were yelling at Ma Yingdong’s English name atthe.

The game time is coming, basically the winners and losers have been divided. Ma Yidong only needs to finish the last goal, and the referee can judge the end of the game.

However, the last goal, no one thought that Ma Yindong would directly throw the ball to the off-court auditorium.

The ball flew straight, and the speed was extremely fast. When Xiao Yuxi discovered it, it was too late to escape.

Basketball directly hit her face, Xiao Yu screamed, rubbing his face with his hand, hurt!

At this time, she described how bad her face and nose were, and her tears came out.

When she took her hand and saw it, her hands were covered with blood.

Because of this temporary off-route ball, the field has caused a small piece of chaos, many people are watching her, see her bleeding, are talking about it.

Xiao Yuchu on the court saw Ma Yindong smashing his sister with basketball. In a rage, he slammed a fist directly on Ma Yindong’s face.

After the fight, Xiao Yuche directly crossed the guardrail and ran to the direction of her sister.

Ma Yindong slammed and licked the painful mouth. The teammates came over and asked him what happened. Why did the last ball go to the audience?

A good game, they could have won the final game perfectly, but now the game is forced to stop.

Ma Yidong did not know what was going on. Even the ghost sent the ball to Xiao Yuxi, perhaps just wanting to attract her attention, but who thought it would hurt her.

Xiao Yuche opened the crowd and came to the front. "Sister, are you okay?"

Xiao Yuxi still can't stop bleeding, Xiao Yuqing helped her and took her away from the game.

Ma Yudong saw Xiao Yuche took away Xiao Yuqi, and he did not say anything, but also chased it up.

Xiao Yuche did not know that her sister had multiple injuries. She worried that her nose and bones would be broken. Now she must quickly send her to the hospital.

The two brothers and sisters waited at the gate of the bus. At this time, a cool roadster stopped. Ma Yindong came down from the top and ran in three or two steps. He directly picked up Xiao Yu’s waist and placed it on his co-pilot. Also jumped into the car and quickly drove the car away.

"Hey!" Xiao Yuche found out that his sister was robbed by the guy of Ma Yindong during the day. He chased the car in the first place. However, where did his two legs run through four wheels?

Ma Yidong’s sports car quickly left him behind.

Xiao Yuxi licked her nose with a scarf. At this time, the shawl had already been stained with blood. Just when she was not paying attention, Ma Yindong suddenly took her away. Now her brother certainly does not know what happened.

"Ma Yidong! Parking!"


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