Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO

Chapter 1059: Loved thoroughly and hurt thoroughly【162】

Biquge, the fastest update of sky-high new wife: mistakenly committed the latest chapter of dangerous president!

"Do I still lie to you? I don't believe you see it! From the time he came in to now, in addition to Shou Xing talking to him when giving gifts, who else has spoken with him?"

A few girls felt like they were right, so they all echoed, and then they felt sorry for a while, and said it’s okay. Their future targets are right, and the most important thing is to be favored at home, unloved little son. Can't match them...

Wu Xuewei listened quietly, looking at He Jingyan who was standing in front of the buffet table in the distance and took a small fork to eat the cake, suddenly felt that he was pitiful... and lonely.

She never thought about the treatment of children who are not favored in the powerhouses, at least she was spoiled from childhood, so I don't know what it means to not be favored.

But she understands that He Jingyan's temper is a little bit stinky, but it is really not unbearable.

Isn't anyone making friends with him, really just because of his temper?

Maybe not. The children in the powerful family have a sense of superiority in their bones. They eat and wear, they go to school, and they make friends. May 1 is not a powerful child.

Firstly, it is such a high level in the life circle, and secondly, children can be used to threaten the relationship between families.

It can be said that the more powerful the family, the more people will shyly smile to go to be friends with you, want to have a good relationship with you.

On the contrary, unfavorable will make people look down on, even disgust...

When she withdrew her thoughts and wanted to walk towards He Jingyan, she realized that he was gone!

I looked around and saw no one else.

It may have been that the girl had just heard what she said, and her mood was affected. She mentioned the dress and skirt and had to go find it.

"Ah--" I just took two steps and couldn't catch a bump.

She clutched the nose that hit someone's chest without raising her head, even apologizing: "I'm sorry, sorry, I didn't look at the road..."

Halfway through Wu Xuewei's words, he paused, because, as she looked up, she saw the one she hadn't seen in more than a month.

A silver-grey suit, dark gray jacket, white shirt and dark blue tie set his Xin Changdu's body more sturdy, not a black rigorous suit usually used for office work. Today's Feng Churui, with two temples in his hair, grabbed it from the middle. Up, revealing a full and clean forehead, elegant and elegant, with a British noble atmosphere.

Looking at her with deep eyes, Feng Churui reached out and raised her chin, carefully observing her nose, worrying: "Is the nose all right?"

The low magnetic sound, like a cello sound, is mellow and sweet.

Wu Xuewei was stunned, and then his face was pale, "Why are you here?"

Didn't you say that she won't appear in front of her after receiving the permit?

What is going on now?

It turned out that she had never known that Mayor Feng Dang could speak without saying anything!

Her indifference and stiff tone seemed to him to hate him.

Inevitably, the heart hurt a little bit, Feng Churui smiled faintly, withdrew his hand and put it in the suit pants pocket, the tone was soft: "I am like you, and I am invited to attend Chen Lao's birthday party."

He knew that she did not like social entertainment parties, watched her hide in the corner, sip champagne from time to time, and from time to time to see the guests with goblets across the light gold champagne, like that cute, also with Innocent and childlike.

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