Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO

Chapter 1060: Loved thoroughly and hurt thoroughly【163】

Biquge, the fastest update of sky-high new wife: mistakenly committed the latest chapter of dangerous president!

She was bored and he saw it at a glance.

Wu Xuewei nodded, expressing his understanding, and then planned to go further.

Suoer, with his wrist clenched, Feng Churui stood behind her and lowered his head slightly, "You don't know many friends, follow me, eh? If I'm bored, I can chat with you."

"No, I brought my male companion." Seeing He Jingyan not far away, Wu Xuewei broke free of his hand and walked quickly to He Jingyan.

She didn't know how she should face him now.



Give up?

Give up.

The moment she lay on the operating table, when she deeply felt that the child was slowly flowing out of her body, her heart was dead.

Two years of torture, in exchange for a month of sweetness, and finally endless pain.

She was really fed up.

Whenever she thinks of her first child, she thinks she is a sinner, and he is also guilty.

Wu Xuewei can't forgive himself, let alone forgive him!

When he is happy, he can pamper her and spoil her. With Xinhuan, he kicks her aside and ignores it. This kind of cheap and pitiful feeling, she can't afford it or want it.

So, just like that, in the future the two will treat each other as strangers.

No one wants to look back on that unbearable past, and no one has the courage to pick up the past again.

Just like that, let her die.

Don't be so humble, don't want to be so full of extravagance, and hope for the little care he occasionally gives.

Isn't that what she has been thinking for the past 2 years?

Forget him, completely forget Feng Churui, then restart her life, find someone who loves her, talk about a vigorous love, and then get married, have children, and live an ordinary and happy life.

When the ball was about to begin, He Jingyan came back from the outside, and suddenly a figure rushed over.

He was not yet ready to hide, and someone had already embraced his arm.

He Jingyan froze!

Wu Xuewei embraced his arm and raised a sweet smile, "Student, what a coincidence, we meet again~"

He Jingyan was stunned for a while, and then after a while he suffocated a sentence: "What are you crazy for?"

Somehow he smiled so beautifully at him, there must be fraud!

Also, don't give anything diligently, or commit thieves!

Wu Xuewei really wanted to glare at him, and he was so uncomfortable, "I don't have any friends at the banquet, I just saw you as an acquaintance, so I came over to say hello. Why, hello is also a kind of conspiracy? "

He Jingyan choked for a while: "(╯^╰)"

The lights in the banquet hall dimmed, the follow-up lights turned on slowly, and the music rang at the same time.

Wu Xuewei shook his arm: "Hey, don't you have a female partner? Just as I don't have a male partner, why don't we make a pair and make a jump."

He Jingyan looked down at her, and Wu Xuewei only found out that he was very tall and raised her head. At such a close distance, if she wanted to see him, she had to look up (⊙o⊙)!

He Jingyan looked down at her, her movements remained unchanged, her brows were frowned, and then she spread her arms again: "What grade are you in?"

"Sophomore." Wu Xuewei was depressed, and what grade did she have a direct relationship with whether she would make a jump with her?

"Are you sure you didn't lie to me?"

"Why did you lie to you? Do you want to show your ID card? I'm twenty this year."

He Jingyan showed his fierce light and threatened: "Dare to lie to me and you will die!"

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