Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1661 The Opportunity Is In The Distant Future, The Message Of The Chaos City Lord

"To be honest, this problem may not be unsolvable.

At this time, Daode Tianzun suddenly spoke.

"Oh, do you have a solution for this problem?"

Many masters looked at the Daode Tianzun curiously.

"I don't have a good solution. After all, it is almost impossible for a detached person to increase the original energy of the infinite universe. I am just a master, so there is no good way.

Daode Tianzun spread his hands.

"In that case, why did you say such a thing?"

asked the Void Angler.

"Actually, the Six Universes can be considered an infinite universe, but obviously our Six Universes are completely different from other infinite universes. The speed at which the original energy of the Six Universes increases is not comparable to that of other infinite universes. It is growing rapidly at a speed of almost ten or a hundred times. "

Daode Tianzun's eyes showed a gleam: "That is to say, in fact, the original energy of our six universes is constantly improving. Although the speed of improvement is very slow, it is still improving.

This is like a Taoist with poor aptitude who is practicing. Although the speed of cultivation is very slow, he has been practicing and improving all the time. Sooner or later, he will have the opportunity to become an immortal. "

Having said that, he paused and looked at the many masters: "That is to say, our opportunity is not in the present, but in the future, in hundreds of billions, maybe even trillions, tens of trillions of chaotic epochs." future."

He bluntly stated his own point of view.

"I see."

"It is true, our opportunity is not in the present, but in the future."

"Now we can only wait silently until the six universes have accumulated enough original energy, at that time it may open up an opportunity to become a detached person.

"If there is such an era and this opportunity in the future, then you will all be competitors. After all, even if the character of the Six Universes is really improved, there may only be one who can become a detached person.

Hearing this, many masters talked a lot. They looked at each other, and they all saw the raging fire.

On the road of seeking the way, one needs to cut through thorns and thorns. No one can believe it. The only one who can believe it is oneself. It can be said that there are own competitors everywhere.

Although their current relationship seems to be very friendly, but if there is an opportunity to break through to detached people, then they will definitely attack these companions without hesitation.

After all, the opportunity to become a detached person like this would only come once in an unknown number of chaotic periods, so it is absolutely impossible for them to give up this opportunity.

For a time, many masters were full of murderous intent, as if many killing intents collided in the void, distorting this chaotic space-time.

It seemed that an earth-shattering battle of gods would erupt at any moment.

"Okay, don't fight among yourself here. Even if there is such an opportunity in the future, I don't know how many times after the Chaos. It's too far away. It's better not to worry too much."

The undead said in a low voice.

Hearing these words, many rulers restrained their murderous intent and murderous intent at once, and the chaotic time and space around them suddenly returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

After all, that opportunity has not yet arrived, and it is impossible for them to start fighting now.

At this time, Daode Tianzun's eyes showed a gleam: "Master has sent us a message, let us go to Eternal Island immediately."

"I also received a message from the master, it seems that it was sent in a group, and all the gods of the Six Paths have received it.

Yuanshi Tianzun said in a deep voice.

He immediately discovered that this news was not only received by their direct disciples, but basically every deity of the Six Paths could receive such news.

If this is the case, then this matter may be quite serious.

This reminded him suddenly that Furukawa had done similar things before, but every time it appeared, it was a turning point in the fate of the six universes, and it was the moment when a certain magnificent era opened.

Immediately, his eyes flickered, and he kept thinking about what this matter meant.

"It's really strange. Master seldom does such a thing. Under normal circumstances, he doesn't contact us very much. What happened?"

Lingbao Tianzun also felt extremely puzzled.

"Master's news came again. Wait a minute. Master has found an ownerless infinite universe. He is planning to invite us to the Eternal Isle. Master is going to launch an attack on that infinite universe."

Zhunti Daoist couldn't help but screamed, very shocked.

"How is it possible? Although there are indeed some infinite universes in the void world, the distance between infinite universes and infinite universes is too far. It is almost impossible to attack other infinite universes."

"That's right, the only ones who can leave the infinite universe are detached ones. We can only live in the interior of the universe, and we can't leave at all. The city lord should not need our power. Why are you sending out such a message now?"

"That's right, we can't use any power at all in the void world, and let us go there just as cannon fodder."

Many masters are puzzled.

To be honest, they also have a certain degree of understanding of the void world. After all, they have also asked Furukawa about many information and secrets about the void world over the years.

So they also know that it is almost impossible to invade other infinite universes in the void space.

From ancient times to the present, I don't know how many chaotic eras have been experienced, but so far there have been no other infinite universes or invasions of other infinite universes.

"No, no, master seems to have solved this problem a long time ago. Master has created a brand new universe called channel universe, which can be used as an undersea tunnel or a bridge to connect two infinite universes. And we can pass This universe passage spans the endless void space and reaches another infinite universe."

Lingbao Tianzun couldn't help but screamed excitedly.

"Genius, it's a genius-like idea. It's unimaginable to create such a miraculous thing as the channel universe. It's worthy of being the city lord."

"That's true. Although we can't survive in the void, we can survive inside the universe. If we build a passage across the void, then even we can cross the void."

"Is this for us to invade the infinite universe? Chance, this is the biggest chance."

"Isn't it? The new infinite universe represents endless resources and endless possibilities."

"In the past, go there quickly, you can't keep the city lord waiting for too long."

Many masters were very excited, and they couldn't wait to go to Eternal Isle. .

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