Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1662 Seeing The Masters Of The Void World For The First Time

whoosh whoosh!!!

It didn't take long for many masters to come to Eternal Island, and then under the leadership of Furukawa, they came outside the six universes and arrived at the original ancient snake road.

Immediately, many masters were extremely shocked, because it was the first time for them to come to a place outside the infinite universe.

"This, is this the realm of nothingness? Sure enough, as the legend says, it is a place of nothingness, where nothing exists." A master couldn't help but marvel.

To be honest, they have heard about the nihilistic world before, but the information is only information after all, and it is completely different from what they have seen with their own eyes.

"Sure enough, after arriving in the void realm, our strength is constantly weakening, almost as weak as ordinary people. If we were not in the universe created by the city lord, I am afraid we would have died long ago."

"Isn't it? If you don't become a detached person, once you reach the realm of nothingness, you will definitely die."

"This is the world outside the universe. It's really incredible. It's even more empty than chaos, and it's dead silent. Everything won't exist anymore."

"If there is no Lord City Master, I am afraid that we will never see the real scenery of the void world in this life."

The incomparable emotions of many rulers.

In fact, it is true. Without the help of Furukawa, with the power of these masters alone, it is impossible to reach the end of the six universes and break through the wall of the main universe.

After all, the six-path universe is an infinite universe, and the area of ​​the infinite universe is too large, so huge that even the master cannot explore the entire area.

The most important thing is that the universe of six realms is expanding all the time, expanding its own area. Sometimes in the blink of an eye, it may not know how many light-years in diameter it expands.

This also leads to some weak masters, even if they spend their entire lives, they cannot reach the end of the infinite universe.

Even some powerful masters with extremely fast speeds cannot reach the end of the infinite universe.

That's because the closer you get to the barriers of the six universes, the faster the ruler will lose his power. After all, once you get close to the realm of nothingness, all laws will be cured dramatically.

And the power of the master is based on the original law of the infinite universe. If the power of the law disappears, it will be as strong as the master and weak as a mortal.

So once the Juggernaut gets extremely close to the barriers of the Six Universes, he will find that he can't fly at all, and his strength is weakening at an alarming rate.

If you continue to forcefully get close, you will be as weak as a mortal, and you will eventually die in the barrier of the infinite universe, which is equivalent to the atmosphere of a planet

Therefore, the masters can only approach the universe barrier infinitely, but they will never be able to break through.

Only a detached being like Furukawa can bring these overlords beyond the universe.

It is because of this that the ruler at this moment is like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, constantly looking at the scenery that he has never seen in his life.

"Is this the original ancient snake path created by the city lord? It really is a miraculous project. It actually crosses the endless void and connects two infinite universes. It is really inconceivable.

A master exclaimed, he looked at the primitive ancient snake path under his feet, which continued to extend beyond the nothingness, as if it penetrated the nothingness.

No one knows how long this primitive ancient snake road is.

If you look at it from a distance, it looks like a vast primitive ancient snake, or a snake of nothingness, a snake of infinity, traveling horizontally in the endless void.

Any life that sees this primitive ancient snake path will feel its own insignificance.

Even the masters are the same, they stand on this primitive ancient snake road, they are like dust, no, even worse than dust.

"How long did it take to build a channel connecting two infinite universes?"

"I don't know, just standing on this road, I can feel the vicissitudes of endless time, as if it is a road that existed in the ancient times, this is the passage of Immortal."

"Is this the mighty power of a detached person? To be able to do such an incredible thing."

"No, no, not every detached person can do this kind of thing, I'm afraid only the city lord can do it."

"It's true, if it's really that easy to connect two infinite universes, then we can see that different infinite universes can communicate with each other.

"That is to say, the city lord has accomplished an unprecedented event."

"Anyway, this is an opportunity, an unprecedented opportunity."

Many masters clenched their fists and were shocked. Seeing this primitive ancient snake path, they felt that they were incredibly weak.

Although they are already standing at the pinnacle of the universe, but compared with the detached ones, they are nothing but ants, not worth mentioning at all.

At this moment they are like dust on a giant dragon.

`, Isn’t it? Before we were still discussing how to give birth to the next transcendent, that is, we must increase the original power of the six universes to support the birth of the next transcendent. "

There was a gleam of excitement in the eyes of a master: "If this is the case, we still have to wait for an extremely long time before we can wait for the next breakthrough opportunity.

But it’s different now, because of the relationship between the city lord, we have found other unowned infinite universes. If we can completely capture this infinite universe and devour the original power of this infinite universe, then the personality of the six universes will definitely be improved instantly. In this way, the second detached person can be bred. "

As soon as these words came out, many masters felt that their own blood was boiling. Originally, they thought that they would need billions of trillions of chaotic periods to wait for the opportunity of breakthrough.

Although this time is very long, it is nothing to the eternal masters. After all, they can seal themselves and sleep for a few hours.

Perhaps by the time they wake up, countless Chaos Epochs have already passed.

But it’s different now, perhaps it’s no longer necessary to sleep in trillions of trillions of chaotic eras, and directly annex an infinite universe, instantly elevating the status of the six universes.

I remember that it was the same with the six universes back then, swallowing one universe after another, and finally swallowing the universe of the entire universe sea, and finally evolved into an infinite universe.

And in this process, the sentient beings of the six universes have also gained huge benefits, and the Cultivation Base is progressing rapidly.

And so it is now.

If the six-path universe wants to evolve, it must also annex the infinite universe of the same level. .

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