Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 822 The Method Of Enlightenment In The Dream, When I Prove The Tao, Everyone In The World Wi


Many Saints were taken aback. This Devil Venerable, who is well-known among the foreign demons, actually has a master behind him, and a great, inconceivable, inscrutable, and indescribable existence?!

All of them couldn't help but speculate deep in their hearts, what kind of existence could they teach this amazingly talented and transcendent evildoer - Yuanshi Devil Venerable!

"Originally, I thought I had reached the end of the Tao, but the appearance of that spell made me realize clearly that I am still far behind. I am just a rookie, and the road I am walking is only the journey of the Long March. first step."

Zhuang Zhou ignored these Saints, and replied self-consciously: "In order to get a little closer to the master, to get a little closer to the power of the supreme magic technique, if it is a normal way, it is impossible for me to get close. It is harder than ordinary people ascending to the sky, so I started dreaming."


A group of Saints were stunned, such a terrifying primordial Devil Venerable, saw a mysterious spell, was hit too hard, and actually started dreaming, what a joke.

But as such a terrifying Power, even if it is a dream, it is probably not an ordinary dream.

"Although some beings born in Sacred can't dream and don't know what dreaming is, you should know that mortals can dream. When they fall asleep, they always have weird dreams."

Zhuang Zhou continued: "Most dreams are meaningless to mortals, but if the dream is realistic enough to affect reality, then this dream can stimulate the potential of mortals and enable them to learn Techniques and exercises that would never be learned in a lifetime."


Many Saints nodded their heads. They had also heard of similar things. Some mortals occasionally reached the level of Qi Deviation because of a dream, dreaming that they became peerless masters.

Ordinary people who were originally mediocre, but they learned by leaps and bounds, learned from one example, made rapid progress, and actually raised the Cultivation Base of these mortals to a Realm that was unimaginable before.

"So the power of dreams is boundless, unimaginable, and unfathomable."

Zhuang Zhou stood with his hands behind his back: "My Talent is so good, no matter what you learn, there is no difficulty, everything can be mastered as soon as you learn it, and you will be able to master it as soon as you learn it. Level, so the world's Cultivation Technique, the world's spells, nothing can defeat me, even if I fight the enemy a few times, I can deduce the opponent's Cultivation Technique seven or eighty-eight, and even improve it.

The mouth corners of many Saints twitched. Although they didn't want to admit it, they had to admit that this nightmare Zhuang Zhou was so terrifying, the super learning machine [beyond imagination]

Many Cultivation Techniques, many techniques, and many secret techniques in the entire universe have already been learned by him.

"But even so, I'm not omnipotent, because I don't have the ability to separate myself, I only have one." Zhuang Zhou sighed, "Of course there are all kinds of techniques to clone in the world, but they are useless. There are too many clones, and it is impossible to conduct hundreds of millions of multi-line thinking at the same time. I am not a life of the mechanical race, so I cannot do such a thing. This is the limitation of flesh and blood life.

In order to solve this problem, I thought hard day and night, and finally came up with a solution, that is to dream, as long as you dream, you can become the master of dreams, integrate the dreams of countless lives into one, and condense a universe of dreams, so that all My life is a great dream for thousands of years, help me to become enlightened. "

There was a glint of excitement in his eyes, and he said the method of own enlightenment.

"I see."

A Saint stared at Zhuang Zhou: "No wonder you want to pull so many mortals into the dream, you are planning to swallow these lives into your dream universe, making them part of your dream universe, etc. When the dream power of all beings reaches a certain level, the quantitative change will lead to a qualitative change, allowing you to succeed in the universe in your dream, and you want to prove the truth in your dream.”

As soon as these words came out, the hairs of many Saints stood on end. They finally knew the plot of Nightmare Zhuang Zhou. The opponent came step by step.

Instead, he has been planning a big, earth-shattering plan. This nightmare Zhuang Zhou has been eroding the entire supreme universe. He wants to swallow all life and integrate it into his own dream universe.

This guy wants to refine the entire Supreme Universe, and treat this Universe as a thousand-year-old dream created by him, and all life will be just characters in his dream.

…‥ask for flowers‥

When he is not awake, all things survive.

When he wakes up, everything will be destroyed!

When you open your eyes, it is the beginning of the era, and when you close your eyes, it is the destruction of the era. The life and death of the entire universe, Samsara, are all within the thought of Meng Zhuangzhou.

After all, the entire Supreme Universe, countless lives, countless worlds, countless histories, and countless Samsaras are just a thousand-year-old dream issued by this Supreme Power.

At that time, these lives, these Saints will all be dominated by Zhuang Zhou and become marionettes, the characters in the dream "can no longer break free from this succubus-like world.

"Damn it, we will absolutely not allow you to succeed in this ridiculous way of proving the Dao.'

"That's right, you are using the countless lives in the entire universe as your food, and you have been forged to achieve the Tao alone."


"It's so ridiculous, the devil, you are the devil of all demons, everyone can kill him!"

Many Saints were frightened and angry, and felt chills all over their bodies.

They can feel the horror of this method of proving the Tao. Once they succeed, they will become the characters in the opponent's dream, and their life and death are all controlled by the enemy's thoughts. How terrible is this

Vaguely, they seem to have undergone earth-shaking changes in the entire Supreme Universe at this moment. It seems that world after world, planet after planet, have been swallowed into each other's dream universe.

If this continues, sooner or later they will be swallowed by the nightmare realm and become part of the characters in the dream.

"There's nothing wrong with dreaming, and there's nothing wrong with being part of a dream, after all, there's everything in a dream." Zhuang Zhou smiled slightly, "For many mortals, helping me become enlightened is a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. "

"When I attain the Tao, all sentient beings in the billions of worlds will enter the realm of the gods, the time is like water, and the dead are like this. y

"When I attain the Tao, all the heavens and thousands of billions of dust particles will be at ease when they recite my name, limitless and limitless."

"When I attain the Tao, all time and space, the past and the future, and all kinds of stars that are broken into dust, all sentient beings who recite my name in their hearts will have eternal life."

He made a chaotic Tao sound, which seemed to be the sound of a nightmare, which caused the vibration of the law of the void, buzzing, and oscillated back and forth in the depths of many Saint seas of consciousness, causing a mighty resonance.

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