Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 823 Yuanshi Tianzun's Dream Universe, Nightmares Erode The World


Hearing the voice of such a nightmare, the faces of many Saints changed greatly. They felt that these words contained the art of great ambitions, and contained the power of endless ambitions.

Even they found that their own souls and bodies were eroded by the power of dreams.

"Damn it, run, run quickly, we have stepped into Zhuang Zhou's dream Realm."

"Retreat quickly, otherwise, we will also be eroded by the power of the dream and become a part of his dream."

"Yuan Shi Devil Venerable, it really is Yuan Shi Devil Venerable, we are not his opponents."

"I knew it was not a good thing for this guy to show up. This kid showed up because he wanted to corrupt us and integrate our bodies and souls into a part of his body.

The hairs of many Saints stand on end. They have run rampant in the supreme universe for countless epochs, and have never encountered any major enemies. They "027" think that they are immortal existences

Heaven and earth are immortal, and they are immortal.

But now, they felt a great life-and-death crisis. Facing the power of Zhuang Zhou's dream, they were as fragile as babies and had no strength to resist.

whoosh whoosh!!!

In an instant, these Saints used all kinds of supernatural powers to try to escape from this place. Unfortunately, it was too late for them to escape now.

"Want to run? Do you know what is the fastest? Is it sound? Is it light? Is it spirituality? No, none of them. It should be the power of the heart that is the fastest. The place I want to go is just It can come in an instant.”

Zhuang Zhou smiled slightly.


In an instant, with his body as the center, a boundless and endless dream Realm burst out, and the chaotic void that covered hundreds of millions of light-years in radius instantly engulfed the group of holy areas.


In this dream Realm, colorful bubbles immediately appeared one after another, densely packed, and instantly enveloped these Saints.


The complexion of this group of Saints changed drastically, and they were extremely ugly. They found that their own body could not move at this moment, and they had no way to even resist.

Even their bodies have undergone tremendous changes, showing a virtual state, and countless illusory colorful hands are grabbing their bodies [trying to pull them into the world of Mengwei.

Obviously they were eroded by the power of the nightmare world, and they were arrested and entered into the nightmare world.

Without waiting for them to think about it, their bodies seemed to be petrified, spreading from their feet to their heads, from solid to empty, and began to blur bit by bit.

In just three breaths, the group of Saints disappeared, submerged into the nightmare world in an instant, and became a part of the dream world.

"Come on, come on, my succubus technique is almost finished."

Zhuang Zhou smiled slightly, and he felt that the power of his dream was getting stronger and stronger.

He knew that he was not strong enough to learn the art of parallel worlds, so he didn't aim too high, but started by creating an ordinary dream world.

Through the dreams of ordinary people one after another, the dreams of hundreds of millions of sentient beings are merged, and then the nightmare world is bred, causing earth-shaking changes in the dream world.

Then he continued to capture life after world, planet after planet, and let these lives enter the dream world, accelerating the evolution speed of the nightmare world.

This is the evolution with the help of the dream power of all living beings.

If it reaches its peak state, then this nightmare realm can evolve into a dream universe, and then his dream universe will be able to merge with the entire supreme universe.

Naturally, he will be able to seize the entire Supreme Universe, become the master of this Supreme Universe, become the Heavenly Dao of this Universe, and be promoted to the Realm of the Lord of the Universe.

"Go on to the next world."

Zhuang Zhou rode Kunpeng, flashed lightly, disappeared in place in an instant, and set off for the next world. He wanted to use the power of dreams to assimilate one world after another, one planet after another.

When he assimilates the entire Supreme Universe is when he attains enlightenment.

At this moment, the other sentient beings of the six realms and many gods also sensed this scene, and they were all shocked.

"Worthy of being the personal disciple of Lord City Master, the power of this nightmare technique is really powerful and unbelievable."

"Indeed, it is an almost invincible technique. He is in the gap between illusion and reality, and he has long been invincible. Only he can defeat the enemy, and no one can defeat him.

"Is this Yuanshi Tianzun, the strong man at the pinnacle of the god emperor? Sure enough, his reputation is well-deserved."

"The problem is, if this continues, the entire Supreme Universe will be owned by Yuanshi Tianzun, so what should we do? Should we give up this Supreme Universe?"

"Although Yuanshi Tianzun is indeed powerful, we are not vegetarians. We must stop this nightmare world from continuing to erode the universe and slow down the evolution of Yuanshi Tianzun, otherwise we will lose..."

"That's right, unite all your companions and deal with Yuanshi Tianzun together, otherwise we have no hope of winning at all."

"Even if Yuanshi Tianzun is a powerhouse at the consummation level of the god emperor, he may not be the opponent of the alliance of the gods.

Many gods talked a lot, and they admitted that Yuanshi Tianzun was extremely powerful, and could almost subdue the powerhouses of the entire Supreme Universe with his own power.

If this continues, this Supreme Universe will be in Yuanshi Tianzun's pocket sooner or later, but it is impossible for them to give up so easily.

However, there are obviously some gods who don't think so.

"It's cold, we are completely cold, there is no doubt that this universe is already in Yuanshi Tianzun's pocket."

"That's right, those idiots still want to deal with Yuanshi Tianzun, and they haven't weighed their own weight. It would be fine if Yuanshi Tianzun was alone. The problem is that he is the direct disciple of the city lord, and he also created such a teaching A giant, not alone."

"Indeed, if there is a real fight, it will not be as simple as a battle between the god emperor and the god emperor, but a struggle between two superpowers 1.2. The countless disciples who came from Chanjiao are all the helpers of Yuanshi Tianzun."

"In short, we have no way to compete for this supreme universe. We can only give up temporarily, or go to other universes to compete. Fortunately, it is not the final moment to compete, and we still have a chance."

"I don't plan to leave this supreme universe. Although I can't become the master of the universe or become a god of the six realms, if I accumulate enough merits, I can become a subordinate god, or even a minor god."

"Indeed, becoming the master of the universe is the idea of ​​those god emperors and big figures. We small people, we just have enough meritorious deeds, and we don't have such big ambitions.

Many sentient beings of the Six Paths talked about it, and they decided to give up competing with Yuanshi Tianzun for the position of the Righteous God of the Six Paths, because they knew that they had no hope. .

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